Robert Burns
Star Wars:ESB
Cloud Car
Kit Scale: 1/24
Kit Materials: Resin
Number of Pieces: 21
Kit Price: $175 USD plus shipping
Shipping Amount: Calculated upon location
Shipping: World-Wide
Kit Availability: Now
Payment Methods Accepted: PayPal
PayPal Address: robertburnsjr101@yahoo.com
Kit Description: This is a 1/24th scale Twin Pod Cloud Car. It was designed in 3D CAD. It was printed in 3D. Molded in orange. Kits will be made in increments of 5, so if there are 11, the last will have to wait until there are 4 more orders. This helps keep the costs lower. Not included are clear windows, but 2 cockpit bucks are included if you want to vacuform your own. Guns and joysticks are not included, but can be made easily from brass tubing. This will be out only for a limited time. Due to it’s cost, it is a slow seller. Do to it’s style, it is a labor intensive kit to cast. Because of these 2 factors, it will only be out for this run.
Thank you!
Robert Burns
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