Holy LEGO Builds Batman! Garry King has done it again!!
The Worlds famous and well known Colonial Viper has come to Earth for a brief visit in all it’s majestic glory.
Having spent nearly 6 months designing and building the mega sized viper I feel it is ready for the rest of the Earthlings to see.
I have done a bit of research looking to find another larger in Lego and came up with none. A shame it could have assisted with creating this model. I’m happy with the results and that is what matters.
185 studs long x 93 studs wide x 67 studs high
59 inches x 29 inches x 21 inches high
1498mm x 737mm x 533mm
It is so hard after photographing to select a few to edit and post as they all looked ideal so I focused on more classical film shots that we would say “ I remember that.”
Ok I added more because I liked them too.
Garry King
Garry King
LEGO & Model Miniatures
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