As of March 20, 2010…. I am very excited and honored to state that this fantastic creation from Richard Long will now be in my personally owned Kuhn Global Collection when completed sometime this year. After negotiation, Richard and I found this deal to be of great appeal to us both! That stated, I have several pieces created and built by master modeler Richard Long and this will be his latest masterpiece! What is even more fantastic is that I also have currently in the works an 8 foot Devastator Star Destroyer which is to scale with Richard’s build of the RSD! It should make for some serious photos!
Thank you Richard for making this dream come true!
Please view the updated photos below…
Dec. 3, 2009
Attention ALL major collectors! Industry famed Richard Long (of Sovereign Replicas) has begun work on a ONE-OFF piece! The Republic Star Destroyer! Using the original CG Files, professional modeler Richard Long is creating this 6 foot behemoth as seen in the beginning battle of Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith, and The Clone Wars! It has been cut to exact measurements and will be precise in detail to the original files used for the film! As of now, there is only going to be ONE of these built by Richard Long which will make it a highly sought after collector piece, and… while it is currently beginning construction… is on the block for sale! Whomever gets to Richard first to purchase this ONE -OFF piece is going to be VERY lucky indeed!
To view each photo in it’s full size, please just click on them.
To contact professional modeler Richard Long direct, please click on his name anywhere you read it on this page. To follow his progress on this beautiful piece, please visit his site, Sovereign Replicas by clicking on the banner below…