Category SOLD Pieces

SOLD!! Korbanth 1/24 “Poe Dameron” T-70 X-Wing from OtherWorld Models




Poe Dameron X-Wing

$800 USD

Plus Shipping

This is the Poe Dameron “Boosted Engine” 1/24 X-Wing from The Last Jedi. It was built from the amazing KORBANTH Kit! The plaque is engraved by Laserfire creations and mounted to the base by myself. I added the rods in the torpedo tubes and extended the lasers by an inch and a half. I also made my own decals for BB8, Poe’s helmet markings, and the rings around the intakes.

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


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SOLD!! Douglas Scott’s (Award Winning) 36 Inch Nebulon B… REDEMPTION


Douglas Scott


36″ Nebulon B… REDEMPTION

$3,500 USD

Plus Shipping & Handling

Now in the Brian Wooldridge Collection

Shipping: USA Only

Payment Methods Accepted: PayPal Preferred (Modeler Magic Always Recommends Using PAYPAL for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)

This is a build from the Cosmos Models/JPG Productions kit. The kit was hallowed out in areas to allow lighting. The engines on the back are MadMan Lighting “Big Assed Engine” kit and have the flicker effect.
The rest of the lighting is my own design to light up windows
Paint started with Model Master Grays for the base coat and then other colors were done with Vallejo
Weathering was done in three parts.
1. Basic wash with watered down Vallejo paint
2. Pastel Chalks to give it a worn and dated look,

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SOLD!! Studio Scale TOS Colonial Viper on Launch Rail by Stephen Hamedl


Stephen John Hamedl


Studio Scale TOS Colonial Viper on Launch Rail

$800 USD

Plus Shipping

Built from the Monsters in Motion studio scale, this piece comes with a Custom Plaque!
Stephen Hamedl

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.

Stephen John Hamedl




Terry Fitton


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SOLD! Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back – NICE-N Studio Scale IMPERIAL Probe Droid by DANAMAGIC


Now in the Scott Graham Collection!




Imperial Probe Droid

$975 USD

Plus Shipping

I’m offering for sale the studio scale probe droid that I built from a resin kit. I have replaced many of the resin parts with the real kit parts, and I have also replaced all the eyes with plastic half spheres so they would be more reflective.

I have opted to paint this probe droid more as it was seen on screen rather than how the filming model looks in person. I did however use the same colors as the filming model, the base color being grimy black and including the same colors used for weathering, including reefer orange, but left it more with an overall black look, as that appealed to me more.

The Probe Droid also has a spot light LED, and comes with a simple black museu...

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SOLD!! FM Model Co. 1/32 B-Wing by John Simmons


Now in the Scott Graham Collection!

John Simmons

FX Model Miniatures


1/32 B-Wing


Plus Shipping, ONO

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


John Simmons


West Mersea

United Kingdom

FX Model Miniatures


Frank Cerney




Statements made, or views express...

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SOLD!! Galactic Resin Studio Scale X-Wing – ROGUE ONE – General Merrick’s BLUE Leader by OtherWorld Models



Studio Scale X-Wing

General Merrick’s BLUE Leader

$1,500 USD

Plus Shipping

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: World-Wide

Payment Methods Accepted: (Modeler Magic Always Recommends Using PAYPAL for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)

Description: I am selling my studio scale Galactic Resin Blue Leader X-Wing that I finished a few weeks ago. It is fully lit, and is $1500 USD Plus Shipping. What is even more fantastic about this build is that Ben Daniels, whom played General Merrick in Rogue One, gave it a “This is AMAZING” comment! The screen photo is below…
Dannon Marsh
OtherWorld Models

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


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Richard Sung’s NICE-N Studio Scale Y-Wing GOLD 5 – Blue Screen Photos by Kuhn Global (Kurt Kuhn)

Built from the NICE-N Model Designs kit back in 2008 by MTM Studio for the Collection here (The Kuhn Global Collection, or Kuhn Collection), this piece was shown here on Modeler Magic on January 19, 2009. It is a representation of the GOLD 5 studio model that we all admired in the 1977 film Star Wars. Receiving great attention, Richard Sung eventually contacted me in June 2013 to purchase a few of the Y-Wings I had here in the Collection, Gold 5 being one of them. Since I had already taken these Blue Screen Photos for all to see, and the fact I was gearing the Collection to go in another direction in size, this outstanding Y-Wing now resides in Hong Kong, within the amazing Richard Sung Collection.
Kurt Kuhn
Kuhn Global Incorporated
Modelers Miniatures & Magic

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SOLD!! Star Wars – Studio Scale Darth Vader TIE Fighter X1 by John Sabean


John Sabean



NICE-N Studio Scale

Darth Vader TIE Fighter X1

$3,000 USD

Plus Shipping

This is a build up of the ANH Darth Vader TIE fighter (aka TIE X-1 Advanced). The kit is by Nice-N Models. The build up has working LED engine lights. The wires have been routed through the Panavise mount to make for a better display. An adapter was constructed to allow the armature mount to attach to the Panavise for display.

This includes the mount and laser etched base (the base was created by Jason Eaton).

John Sabean

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


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SOLD!! Michael Plante’s 1/350 Klingon Bird of Prey (Built by Richard Long Years Ago!)



Star Trek

1/350 Klingon Bird of Prey

(Built by Richard Long Years Ago!)

$600 USD

Plus Shipping

This is a 1/350 AMT/Ertl/Round 2 Klingon BoP built by Richard Long himself from Sovereign Replicas! It is fully lit and removable from the mounting rod with wood base. Asking $600 for this piece but if someone is interested in a combo deal with the 1/350 Klingon K’Tinga I am also selling (SEEN HERE), I’ll make it worth their while!!
Michael Plante

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


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SOLD!! Zvezda Imperial Star Destroyer by DANAMAGIC. Now in the Alyssa Faden Collection!


Now in the Alyssa Faden Collection!


Star Wars

Zvezda Imperial Star Destroyer

$1,000 USD

Plus Shipping

Hello everyone!
I’m offering for sale my first major project! This is the 2 foot long Zvezda 1:2700 scale Star Destroyer, I have spent hundreds of hours detailing every millimeter of this fantastic model!

Here are the things I have done to bring this model to completion.

I have hand scribed every panel on the ship to bring out the detail, which I believe represents a more realistic look and mimics the model used in the movies rather than by using a “wash” to bring out the scribe lines.

I then subtly painted hundreds of panels all over the ship that are just slightly darker than the base hull color so they can be seen up close, but from a distance only appear as added deta...

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