Category Sales Area

GIFTED!! Star Trek TNG Prop “Ligonian Glave”, Now in the Hector Rosales Collection

Now in the collection of Hector Rosales!

This piece was used by actress Denise Crosby in Star Trek The Next Generations first season episode “Code of Honor”. In the episode, Denise’s character Tasha Yar (head of security on the Enterprise 1701-D) was caught in a challenge to the death using this fashioned weapon. It apparently was to have poison on the spines.

Upon Tasha Yar’s death toward the end of season 1 of The Next Generation, this weapon then resided with Worf (Michael Dorn) who then became head of the 1701-D’s security. He kept this piece along with other weapons on his table under his hanging swords and Bat’Leths...

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Going, Going, GONE!!1:24 Scimitar Bomber built by Richard Long. Now in the Hector Rosales Collection

Scratch built, Richard Long masterfully made the Scimitar Bomber from the Star Wars Expanded Universe Collection.

This piece has an Modeler Magic Gallery

Appraised value of $3,000

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SOLD!! 1:1400 Romulan Warbird by Michael Provenzano

I received this 1/1400 piece in 2007 from New York Artist Michael Provenzano! Scratch built, it is entirely made of balsa wood, sculpting clay, and sheet styrene!!! Michael based the build off of the small Ertl kit in the 3 Adversaries set!

Kurt Kuhn with the Michael Provenzano-made Romulan Warbird



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Kuhn Global Blue Screen – Studio Scale V1 “PYRO” Cylon Raider Replica from the 1978 Series…Battlestar Galactica by R.L. Bleecker – Now in the Marc Elkins Collection

This Version 1 (V1) Cylon Raider Studio Scale replica was masterfully built and painted by R.L. Bleecker in 2006. The studio scale kit itself was mastered off an original pyro model (used in the 1978 series) that we believe may have cast from what ICONS Replicas once sold as a Studio Scale Replica from Battlestar Galactica. Artist Mark Dickson, under Jim Key’s company, made it so. Later on, this would become a Kit which would be sold by Jesse Meyers, and then by Kit and Pattern maker Mike Salzo (MSLZ22 Models). Today the kit is sold by Kit Maker Jason Wright of JAWS Models in Australia.

Here are the Blue Screen Photos I took of this model during a few trial lighting tests. Unfortunately I never went back to actually photograph it correctly...

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