Category South American Models

12 Foot! WarHammer Role Playing Game Diorama by South American Models

The Martinez Family and South American models is back with this amazing diorama display that is a an actual role playing game arena for WarHammer! The detail in this is incredible as is the lighting! I am very much impressed with the skills of this family. The builders include:

Ricardo Sr. – Lead design, main scenery creation.
Gabriel Martinez – Scenery first assistant
Jorge Martinez– Scenery second assistant
Ricardo Jr. – Wiring led lights, scenery third assistant, and wargame playing consultant.

This is what Ricard Jr. has to say of this magnificent piece…

This is a 12 foot long, 4 foot wide, and 3 foot high, “Warhammer” wargame role playing diorama...
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1:10 Yellow Coach 743 by Ricardo Daniel Martinez Jr. of South American Models

One again  we are able to show another fantastic piece from the Martinez Family.. and South American Models. This build was done by Ricardo Daniel Martinez Jr.!! I have to admit, when Ricard emailed me these photos… I had to do a double take… as they looked to me to be the full sized Buses! A true mark of skill on Ricardo’s part! Of worthy notation is the fact that Ricardo paints his replicas like their 1:50 diecast CORGI miniature cousins! He calls them his “Giant Corgi’s”! Absolutely fantastic!

To contact South American Models direct, please click HERE!

To visit the South American Models site, please click the banner link below..










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1:8 BiPlanes and 1:200 Zeppelins by Gabriel and Gabriela Martinez from South American Models

It is rare these days to see an entire family participate in the same hobby, not to mention in actual business! Especially in miniature building! Here today i have the great pleasure of introducing two of the Martinez Family members… Gabriel and his sister Gabriela! The Biplanes and Zeppelins you see below were built by Gabriel, and painted by Gabriela! Both are part of their Family business… SOUTH AMERICAN MODELS along with their brother Ricardo Jr…. and their father, Ricardo Sr. I am very much looking forward to showing much of their works here on Modeler Magic. From what I have viewed already, I can tell you this is one talented family!

To contact South American Models direct, please click HERE!

To visit the South American Models site, please click the banner link below..








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