Category JT Graphics – Jeffrey Waclawski

KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:32 RAPTOR (3 Versions!) from JT-Graphics






Recon Raptor

Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/32 at 12″ x 7.3″ x 4.3″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $150 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: The Raptor is usually operated by a crew of two (one pilot and one ECO), has synthetic gravity on board, and is controlled by means of a fly-by-wire system (Rapture). It is capable of atmospheric flight and is also equipped with a short-range FTL engine, allowing it to make short faster-than-light hops. Due to its size and shape, a Raptor is not launched from a battlestar’s launch tube, rather, it deploys from the forward end of a flight pod...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:4105 Battlestar Pegasus from JT-Graphics



Battlestar Pegasus


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/4105 at 17.75″ X 7″ X 3.16″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $250 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: Battlestar Pegasus is a Mercury Class Battlestar, assigned to Battlestar Group 62 of the Colonial Fleet. She had docked at Scorpion Fleet Shipyards for a three-month overhaul. The Cylons’ hit the shipyard with several nuclear warheads, destroying five ships, including two Battlestars. Pegasus survived the attack by performing a blind FTL jump. Approximately six months later she encountered the Galactica and her fleet.

This resin model kit is HIGHLY detailed...

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KIT ALERT! Bad Azz 1:48 SG Altantis Puddlejumper from JT-Graphics



SG Atlantis “Puddle Jumper”


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/48 at 8″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $100 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: Gateships, more often dubbed Puddle Jumpers by the Tau’ri, are small spacecraft created by the Ancients. Several of these ships were discovered in various hangars in Atlantis, and are used by the Atlantis Expedition for various purposes. Gateships feature retractable thrusters that allow them to travel through a Stargate, as well as powerful drone weapons for self-defense and a cloaking device to avoid detection. They are operated via neural interface, and so the ATA gene is required to activate and pilot the ship.

The As...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:2500 ST:E – Vulcan Command Cruiser from JT-Graphics



ST:E – Vulcan Command Cruiser


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/2500 at 9.69″ X 4.6″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $75 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: The outboard plan of the Vulcan combat cruiser’s design consisted of a flattened, conical shaped hull that flared out and around the annular-warp nacelles and coming back together at the aft section of the ship, where the impulse engines were placed.

It is capable of traveling a hundred light years in a few weeks...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:1000 Andorian Battle Cruiser from JT-Graphics



ST:E – Andorian Battle Cruiser


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/1000 at 14.5″ X 7.5″ X 2.5″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $100 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: The Andorian battle cruiser was considerably more rugged than the designs utilized by contemporary United Earth Starfleet vessels. Like all Andorian combat vessels, the Andorian battle cruiser was constructed using a “significant quantity” of duranium alloy and despite the vessel’s fairly large size, it was crewed by a complement of only eighty-six.

The outboard plan consists of a central “spine” that contained a vertically bifurcated forward hull containing several decks...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:48 RAZOR Cylon Raider from JT-Graphics



Razor Raider


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/48 at 12.5″ X 10.5″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $150 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: A throw back design to the original series and named the “Razor Raider by fans, this version of the Cylon Raider was used in the first Cylon War against the Colonials. The Raider is big and bulky making it an easy target. It is piloted by 3 Cylon Centurions. One taking the position of pilot, one as gunner and 3rd as a supervisor. The later being “gold” plated instead of chrome.

To contact the USA SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.







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KIT ALERT! Bad Azz 1:24 Advanced Cylon Raider from JT-Graphics



Advanced Cylon Raider


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/24 at 14.6″ X 9.19″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $175 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: This particular model of the Cylon Raider is from Season 4. It has been re-detailed and is sleeker in design. Also, the “Face” is now a closer representation to the Cylon Centurion.

To contact the USA SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.





Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:2500 Stargate – Asgard O’Neill from JT-Graphics



Stargate – Asgard O’Neill


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/2500 at 5.89″ X 5.1″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $45 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: The O’Neill class is the most advanced starship constructed by the Asgard. Designed specifically to fight the Replicators, it Incorporates all of their latest technology with its armaments and defenses substantially superior to earlier Asgard motherships. The first ship of this type, also named O’Neill, named after Colonel Jack O’Neill of SG-1. The unfinished O’Neill was used as bait to draw the Replicators away, giving the Asgard time to evacuate their civilization...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:2500 Stargate – Goa’uld Ha’Tak from JT-Graphics



Stargate – Goa’uld Ha’Tak


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/2500 at 6.16″ X 2.66″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: $85 USD

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: A Ha’tak or Goa’uld mothership is a large starship used by the Goa’uld. Ha’taks are shaped to land on pyramids, although anything similar will suffice. They are equipped with hyperdrives and can travel over 32,000 times the speed of light.

To contact the USA SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.






Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subje...

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KIT ALERT!! Bad Azz 1:48 Advanced Cylon Raider from Sci Fi Hardware



Advanced CYLON Raider


Kit Producer: Bad Azz / Howling Wolf

Kit Scale: 1/48 at 7.3″ X 4.5″

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: Please Inquire

Kit Price: USA $75.00, UK & EU Pre Order price £63.99

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: WORLD-WIDE

Kit Description: This particular model of the Cylon Raider is from Season 4. It has been re-detailed and is sleeker in design. Also, the “Face” is now a closer representation to the Cylon Centurion.

To contact the USA SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


To contact the UK & EU SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.






Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s ...

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