Master Lego artist Garry King is back with another fantastic variant from Battlestar Galactica… the Defender! Beautifully done!
This is what Garry has to say of this piece…
DIMENSIONS… 1870mm long x 610mm wide x 380mm high
OR 73.62 inches long X 24 inches wide X 14.9 inches high.
60.5 Pounds or 27.4 Kilograms.
NO Parts count as yet . That will be done when I dismantle the ship
The inspiration for this build is from the small 1:3700 model. Saying that when it came to build I looked on the net for more designs and there were many variations to choose from so this is a mix of all the sections I liked and some of my own touches. Short of dismantling it fully I am thinking of redesigning it to fit in the re-imaged sleek design and more ribs, smooth rounded booster engines, keeping the monotone appearance or perhaps a bit more color.
No Blueprints, sketches were used I used my commercial models as a guide and images from the net.