1:270 CR 90 – Corvette Scratch Build by Boomer Jordan

Artist Boomer Jordan has joined our little Band of Brothers & Sisters in the modeling world! His first showing is this great scratch build of the Blockade Runner! What a great first scratch build!

I am not a professional modeler by any means but I thought you might enjoy these pictures of my CR-90 corvette. This is made entirely from scratch out of Evergreen sheet styrene and some styrene rod also from Evergreen. The model was made from scratch because there are no CR-90 kits in the scale I needed.

If you are familiar with the X Wing Miniatures game from Fantasy Flight you know that they make excellent Star Wars star ship miniatures in 1/270 scale. But they do not make, or do not plan to make, capitol ships in this scale. So I made one of my own. At the 1/1 scale length of 150 meters this model translates to 55.6 cm in 1/270 scale.

This is my first scratch build and paint job on a star ship model so it won’t be up to par with the other modelers you have on your website but I still thought you would find it interesting. If it is good enough to show on your website than by all means you have my permission to do so. I will send you more pictures in two following e mails.

Thanks and happy modeling,

Boomer Jordan.


“Boomer” Jordan

Willie Paul Jordan III

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