Jean Marc is one of our shown professional industry artists that never disappoints anyone with his skill and creativity! Just look at these magnificent builds below!!
Here are photographs of models I built for myself (the Albatros) and for the French Jules Verne’s Museum (the Terrible).
The two models are, as far we can, accurate to the descriptions of the novels Robur the Conqueror and Master of the World. The Albatross (with one “S” in French and 2 “S” in English) is a 1/72 model with laser cut suspensive airscrews. The Terrible (l’Épouvante in French) is a 1/20 scale model. A miniature set has been built of the Niagara Falls to present the Terrible after a scene in the novel. I documented the real falls to build mine. The two models are owned by Museums in France and Swiss.
Take care !
1:72 The Albatross
1:20 The Terrible (l’Épouvante)
Niagra Falls
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