This beautiful piece is from the Tamiya kit and built by master builder Sean Brannin. The details on this piece are absolutely realistic! Nothing new for this artist I assure you… and of skills that never disappoint! Another fantastic build from Sean Brannin!
Read More- OUR Mission!
- A to M Directory
- #
- A
- Aaron Goldsmith
- Acadia Electronics
- ACME 360 Models
- ACME Archives Direct
- ACME Design – Clint Borucki
- ACREATION Models – Rob Holts
- Acryilcos Vallejo Paints
- Adam Gastelum
- Adam Makarenko – Making Exoplanets
- Adam Schneider
- Afinia
- AFV Club
- Airfix
- AJAModels – Adam K. Johnson
- Alain Rivard – PROP SHOP
- Alan Adorno
- Alan Anderson
- Alan Walker
- Albert Molinet
- Albert Siow
- Alberto Longo – ALB-LAB
- Alejandro Todisco
- Alex Yao
- Alex Alva
- Alexander Hausch
- Alexander Hutchings
- Alexander Kosyra
- Alexander Rivera
- Alfonso Falcon
- Alfred Wong
- Alfredo Bueno
- Aliens Collection – DROPSHIP CLUB
- Adam Beason
- All Scale Trek
- Alliance Models
- Altaya
- Alyssa Faden
- Amati
- Amazing Figure Modeler
- Amazing Plastic
- AMT/Ertl
- Amusing Hobby
- André Bustanoby
- Andreas Butzbach
- Andreas Rønning
- Andrew Bendel
- Andrew Campbell
- Andrew Connelly
- Andrew Creighton
- Andrew March
- Andrew Probert – Probert Designs
- Andy Harlow
- Andy Lee – LTI Records
- Angelo Berretta
- Angelo J. DiSalvo
- Anigrand
- Ankama
- Anovos
- Ansel Hsiao (Fractalsponge)
- Anthony Alvear
- Anthony L. Smith
- Anthony Santos
- Antonio Carrozzini
- Aoshima Diecast
- Aperture 360 – Marc King
- Apogee Productions, Inc.
- Archive-X
- Aridas Sofia
- Ariel Palacio
- Arizona Model Aircrafters / Digital Design LLC
- Art Asylum
- artesANAto – Ana Venceslau
- Arthur Hall
- Arthur Lane
- ARVEY Model Products
- ASIS Film Models
- Asuka Models – Formerly TASCA
- Atomic City Models – Scott Alexander
- Aurelien Le Maitre
- AZTEK DUMMY Productions – Lou Dalmaso
- B
- “Boomer” Willie Paul Jordan III
- B & T Studio Scale – Tony Hardy & Bill Early
- B.T.T.G. Model Kit Company – Mark Krabbenhoft
- Back Yard Productions U.K.
- Backlot Studio Models
- Bad Robot Productions
- Bad-AZZ Models
- BamBam Model Productions
- BanDai
- Banshee Productions
- Barrie Clucas
- Barry Jones
- Barry Maddin
- Barry Murray
- Barry Yoner
- Bart Larrow (ElBarto)
- Baseline Productions – Michael Moeller
- BattleGateGames
- Bellerophon Scale Modeling – Ed Bailey
- Ben Goetzky
- Ben Lim
- Ben Robinson
- Benjamin Arendt
- Benjamín Bruña
- Benjamin Carre
- Bernie Potrell
- Berton Pierce
- TYCHO Starship Yards – Bill Krause
- Bill Plewes
- Bill Weiger
- Billings Boats
- BioWare
- Black Sun Models
- Blake Hartman
- BLAP! Models
- BedLem Models
- Bigger Box Models
- BLAP! Models
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Bo Shen
- Bob Aucutt
- Bob Burns
- Bob Layzell
- Bob Lindenmayer
- Bob Olsen
- Bobby Ringuet
- Bobby Rogers
- BOEING / McDonnell-Douglas
- Borderline Reality
- Brad Dillon
- Brain Larsen
- Brandon MacDougall
- Brandon Mackay
- Brett Burke
- Brian Bruun Frandsen
- Brian Johnson
- Brian Wooldridge
- Brickstuff Lighting
- Bronco Models
- Bronson Canyon Creations – Tom Seiler
- Bruce Bertie
- Bryon Ray
- Bryson “Pete” Gerard
- Buc Wheat
- Buchanan Studio – Albert Buchanan
- Butch Smith
- By Your Command – Dale Long
- C
- C.A.S.M. – Central Arkansas Scale Modelers
- Cal Everett
- Caleb Dickison
- Carlos Levischi
- Carson Ward
- Cartamundi
- Catalyst Creations – George Waldron
- Century Castings – Alex Jackson
- César Villar Toro – ToroModel Studio
- CessnaDriver
- CGTrader
- Chad Crafts
- Charles Adams – Starship Builder
- Charles R. Anderson
- Charles King
- Charlie McGrady
- Catherine Bell
- Charlie Bailey
- Chris Arnold
- Chris Bibby
- Chris Borges-Silva
- Chris Casady
- Chris Corke
- Chris Dobinson
- Chris Ford – SciFord
- Chris G.
- Chris Kelley
- Chris Knox
- Chris Lai
- Chris Lee
- Chris Loveless
- Chris Mentch – “As I See It”
- Chris Morse
- Chris Osborne
- Chris Reiff
- Chris Rogerson
- Chris Ross
- Chris Trevas
- Chris Trice
- Chris Wooten
- ChrisSith21
- Christian Alzmann
- Christian Büttner
- Christian Söder
- Christian Velarde Salazar
- Christine Guinn
- Christopher Callaghan
- Christopher Hall
- Christopher Hart
- Christopher McBrian
- Christopher Olson – Models by Chris
- Christopher Tucker (Rhaven Blaack)
- CHRONICLE – Clay Brown
- Chuck Sides
- Cinesfx Fred
- CinWiz – Cinematic Wizards
- Clark Schaffer – Schaffer Studios
- Clayton Graham Holland
- Clayton Wagner
- Clear Horizon Miniatures
- Clear View Designs – Jim Roggero
- Clifton Simmons
- Coby Lorang
- CODE 3
- Colin Cantwell
- Colin Furze
- Collection Wars – Gabe Estrada & Michael Hawes
- Collen Young – CDY Starships
- Constantin Gillies
- Constructo
- Corey Sullivan
- Corinna Koitek
- Cory Harvey
- Cottage Industry Models
- Cozmic Scale Models
- CRAGGS Models – Paul Anthony Craggs
- Craig Sheeler – Star Trek Secret Voyage
- Creative Cast Parts
- Creative Dynamic LLC – Ken Alfter
- Creature Features
- Cross-Modelworx – Chad Cross
- Crows Nest Models – Drew Huffman
- Csaba Böjthe
- Cult TV Man
- Curtis Hughes
- Custom Replicas – Jim Key
- Cygnus Models – Daniel Lowe
- D
- D. Martin Myatt
- Dae Choi
- Daft Punk
- Dan Cooper
- Dan Curry
- Dan Grumeretz
- Dan Rodriguez
- DANAMAGIC – Dana Moss
- Daniel Bennett
- Daniel Broadway
- Daniel Comerci
- Daniel Gonzalez
- Daniel King
- Daniel Kochlowski
- Daniel Schaffer
- Daniele Cattarin
- Danny Scott Prejoles
- Daren Dochterman
- Dario Hector Gerlini
- Dave Lewis – Resin Illuminati Owner
- Dave Olszewski
- David Adami
- David Briefing
- David Creel
- David Duperron – LEGO MOCs Designer
- David Forier
- David Greaves
- David Jones Collection
- David Lamont
- David Lowe
- David Martis
- David Metlesits
- David Nelson
- David Reese
- David Romano
- David Shaw
- David Simonds
- David Spruil
- David Torode
- David West Reynolds
- David Wuethrich
- David Yeh
- Davide Testa
- DaVinci Productions
- DAX Studio Models – Daniel Acevedo
- Dayton Allen – SithFire30 Creations
- dbFX Workshop – Julien Dumont and Kennocha Baud
- DeAgostini – Model Space
- Dean Dymerski
- Dean Thomas
- DeBoer Hulls
- Derek Meddings
- Destiny Models – Brian Jones
- Deuces Wild Dev. Co – Deuce Savage
- Deviant Art
- Diamond Select
- Dieter Bihlmaier
- Dirk Karsten – DUBZ Custom Model Building & Else
- Dirk Pitt
- Disney
- Diznoid Toys – Rene Erazo
- Don Bergren
- Don Malpass Models
- Don’s Light & Magic
- Donald Gould
- DONSHOKO – Don Showalter
- DorobouHige
- Doug Drexler
- Doug Maio
- Douglas Craner
- Douglas E. Graves (deg3D)
- Douglas Shortes
- Doyusha
- Dragon Models
- Dreams Scale Model – Sergio Gutierrez
- Drew Sheppard
- DS Galaxy Models – Dale Shean
- dtssyst
- Duncan Scott
- E
- Eagle Editions
- Eaglemoss HERO Collector
- Earl Burress
- EasyWDW
- Echobase Models – Simon Graver
- Ed Francais
- Ed Miarecki Designs
- Ed Romo
- Ed Walton
- Edson Studio – Edson Waterman
- Eduardo Mendoza Lázaro
- eFx Collectibles
- Eli Sasich
- Embedded Design Works, Inc. – Vincent D’Alessandro
- Emile Kuri
- Endor Express
- Entertainment Earth
- Eric CHOI Kwanwoo
- Eric Chu
- Eric Duchin
- Eric Eberle
- Eric Geusz (spacegooose)
- Eric Longstreet
- Eric N. Clark
- Erick Navas
- Eunsung Lee
- Evan Wharram
- Evans Model Lighting – Justin Evans
- Expanded Universe Models & Collectibles – Kostas Kosmidis
- F
- F.I. Ordway III
- F.Scott McKown
- Fabio
- Factory Entertainment
- FANTAMATION Studio – Jim Davidson
- Fantastic Modelers
- Fantastic Plastic
- Fast Forward Models – BP Taylor
- Federation Models
- Fernando Lopez
- FichtenFoo – Michael Fichtenmayer
- Film Miniatures – Daniel McMillan
- Fine Molds
- FineScale Modeler
- Finisher’s LTD – Nobu Kawaguchi
- Florian Eisenköck – Scale Modelling
- FM Model Company – Frank Cerney
- Foamtastic Creations and More – Jamie Young & Krista Young
- FONCO Creative Services – Fon Davis
- Forbidden Zone
- Formlabs
- Foundation Imaging
- Foxx Wolf
- Franck Mathieu
- François Fleury – Universal Modeler
- François Guibert
- Frank Blanton
- Fred Pollard
- Frederick Braun
- Frederick Ordway
- Friulmodel
- Fujimi
- Future Models
- FX Model Miniatures
- G
- G & T 3D Printing – George Waldron & Terry Meisle
- G-Factor Models – Ernie Gee
- G-System Shop
- G.S. Portraits – Garry Smith
- Gabe Koerner
- Gábor Takacs
- Galactic Resin Models – Raymond Perez
- Galoob
- Gambody
- Garret Parsons
- Garrett Wybrow
- Garry King
- Gary Cannavo
- Gary Hunley
- Gary Kerr
- Gary Stair
- Gary Wallace
- Gemini Model Build-Up Studios
- Gene Kozicki
- Geof (AKA Jeff) Lucier
- George Day
- George Hull
- George Lucas
- George Winder
- Gerald Voigt
- Gerard Follano
- Gerrit Braun
- Gerry Anderson
- Gerry Kissell
- Géza Sági
- Giuseppe Borzone
- Gizmotron
- Glen McIntosh
- Glencoe Models
- Glues Brothers – Sci-Fi & Fantasty Modeling
- Glyn McCutcheon
- Golden Armor – Cristofer Adrian
- GoldStar Plastic Mould & Molding Co., Ltd
- Gonçalo Inocentes
- Gordon Lee
- Gordon Tarpley
- GORT Models
- Gravity Colors
- Greenstrawberry – Lukas Zatopek
- Greg Boettcher
- Greg Dietrich
- Greg Jein
- Greg Larro Photography
- Greg Nicotero
- Gregg “Droid Boy” Nowling
- Grzegorz Kozłowski
- Guillermo D. Centeno
- Gulliver’s Scale Modeling Arts – William Gulliver
- Guy Cowen
- H
- Halcyon Models
- Hank Tintoni
- Hank William Rozema
- Haper Goff
- Harald Niedermeyer
- Harry G. Duksch
- Hasbro PULSE
- Hasbro Toys
- Hasegawa
- HDAmodelworx
- Hector N Gama – 3D Printing
- Hector Rosales
- HELIOS Models & Lighting – Daniel Beck
- Henrik Steve Myrdhén
- Hinson’s Custom Plaques
- Hite Studios – Jason Hite
- Hobby Boss
- HobbyLink Japan
- Hobbyworld
- Hollywood Collectibles Group (HGC)
- Hong Kong Models Co Ltd ( HK Models)
- Horizons
- HOSS Hobbies
- Hot Toys
- hotrodnz
- Howard “Howie” Day – Double Damage Games
- Howard Anderson Company
- Howling Wolf – Kip Hart
- Humbrol Paints
- Hunk of Junk Productions – Tony Lamb
- Hyperdyne Labs
- I
- i collector
- Ian Blaza – Spaceships of Science Fiction Magazine
- Ian Lawrence Scale Models
- Ian McQue
- ICONS Replicas
- Iggie Kane
- Igor Sedykh (Игорь Седых)
- Imai
- Imperial Replicas
- INCOM CORP – J. Vern Kessigner III
- Industrial Light & Magic
- Industrial Light & Modeling – Marvin Stiefelhagen
- Interstellar Modeler
- Ivar Kangur – Creative Dioramas
- Izan Ramos
- J
- J.A.W.S. Models – Jason Wright
- Jack Brunner, Jr.
- Jack Burgin
- Jack Polito
- Jackill
- Jackson Wai
- Jacob Cook
- Jaime Herriaz – TALON KARRDE
- James Cameron
- James Clyne
- James Gaunt
- James Medina Models – THE WAR ROOM
- James Roberts Jr.
- James Whitman
- James Wood
- Jan Rukr
- Japetus Productions – Mike Hanson
- Jared Bronson
- Jared Demes – Rebels at Cloud Nine
- Jared Wynn – WYNN VISCOM
- Jas Hodge
- Jason Hosler
- Jasmine Model
- Jason Eaton – Jason Eaton Studio – Mystery 10
- Jason Godsil
- Jason Kisvarday
- Jason Leggo
- Jason Ricketts
- Jason Skygunbro
- Jason Ware
- Jason’s Workbench – Jason Gares
- Jay Ballesteros
- Jay “Jerry” Barnes
- Jay Kushwara
- Jay Lux
- Jay Rich
- JAZZINC Dioramas – Joost Assink, Hans and Janneke
- JBOT – Jim Botaitis
- Jean-François Penichoux
- Jean-françois Pichette – The One Jeff
- Jean-Marc Deschamps – La Clinique du Professeur KELP
- Jeff Broz Kits
- Jeff Goldsack
- JP Modelworks – Jeff Pollizzotto
- Jeff Summers
- Jeff Willoughby
- Jeffery W. Wargo – SIRIUS Models
- Jeffery Wright – New Media Design
- Jeffrey Pedersen
- JERAC – Jarek Książczyk
- Jeremy Cook
- Jeremy Kennedy
- Jerome de Win
- Jerris Hof
- Jerry Gordon
- Jerry Hedgecock
- Jerry Stipp
- Jerry Terrell
- Jerry Testa
- Jerry Vasilatos
- Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair, LLC
- Jesse Meyers
- Jesus Marin Vadillo
- Jet Townsend
- Jim Bowers –
- Jim Chlubna
- Jim Creveling
- Jim Dow
- Jim G. Graham
- Jim Henson – The Jim Henson Company
- Jim Hobart – Macbeth Photo
- Jim Lewis – GunTruck Studios
- Jim Stolfa
- Joe Ceballos
- Joe Johnston
- Joe Maddalena
- Joe Thornton – “Uncle Joe”
- John Beaulieu
- John Cherevka
- John Dube
- John Eaves
- John Han
- John Howley
- John John Jesse
- John Long Props and Models
- John Orloff
- John R. Mullaney
- John Rhys-Davies
- John Rosengrant
- John Sabean
- John Schisler
- John Scott Lewinski
- John Simmons
- John Stuart – JAITEA Models
- John Toland
- Johnny Ya Ya
- Jon Billings
- Jon C. Rogers
- Jon Foster
- Jon Minard
- Jon Ross Art
- Jon Snyder
- Jon Schumann
- Jon Wilson
- Jonas Bachmann
- Jonpage Risque
- Jordu Schell
- Jose Maria Clavero Hidalgo
- Joseph J. Schultz (SchultzStudio)
- Joseph Laudati
- Joseph Melvin
- Josh Maruska
- Joshua J Slavitt
- Joslin-FX – Nathaniel De’Lineadeus
- JPG Productions
- JT Graphics – Jeffrey Waclawski
- Juan Carlos Acosta – JCAcosta Modelismo
- Jules Urbach
- Julian Maurice
- Julien Fleury – FlyViper – Photographer
- Julien Trezeux
- Joshua L. Weinstein
- K
- KAIYODO Models
- Kallamity Kits
- Kana
- Karl Southcott
- Karl Tate
- Kat Quinn
- Katsuya Nishizaka – 西坂 克也
- Keith Barron
- Keith Jodoin
- Keith Ransom
- Keith Sullivan
- Ken Hart
- Ken Skiffington
- Kenji Hayakawa
- Kenn Wingle
- Kenner Toys (Now Hasbro)
- Kenneth Gogan
- Kenny Alasandro
- Kerner Optical
- Kevin Stooksbury
- Kevin Vu
- Kier Darby
- Kimber Collins Modeling
- Kip Thorne
- Kirk Kirkland
- Kishimoto, Hiroshi – 岸本浩
- Klaus Heilemann
- Klaus Schäftner
- Knightwire
- KORBANTH Sabers-Costumes-Models-Props
- KORBEN FX – John Eblan
- Konami
- Kotobukiya
- KOSMOTRONIKS – Harry Arling
- Kow Yokoyama
- Kraig Councell
- Kris Kelvin
- Kropserkel
- Krzysztof Wilczyński Models & Dioramas
- Kuhn Global Incorporated – Kurt Kuhn
- Kyle Russell
- Kyosho
- Kyran Odore
- L
- Lancia Beta
- Lars Andersen
- Lars Kamrath
- Larson Designs / Lunar Models
- Laserfire Creations – Matt Davis
- Lasse Henning – The Model Shop
- Laurent Perini
- Lawrence J. Geer
- Lee Fitzsimmons
- Lee Ralph
- Lee Stringer
- LES & R2
- Light Year Models – Joe Diaz
- Lindberg
- Little Spaceship – Manuel Kern
- Liquitex – Henry Levison
- Lou Woolf
- Louis Carabott
- Louis Solis
- Luca Zampriolo
- Lucas Arts
- Lucasfilm Ltd
- Lucio Aloisi
- Luis Ariel Bernachea
- Lukas Kendall
- Luke McFarlane – Blade & Brush
- Luxciry Technology Company Limited
- LVM-Studios – Leon van Munster
- M
- M2 Designs – Jawon, Koo
- Mac Pakula
- Mache Models – Germàn Impache
- Mack Moraczewski
- Mad Man
- Maddie Chambers
- Madman Lighting
- Magicam
- Magician of Setogiwa
- Magna Mana Productions
- Malcolm Lu – GALEN82
- Mana Studios
- Mando Studio
- Manoj Mantri
- Marc Elkins
- Marc Sammut
- Marc Schubert
- Marce Terrones Gómez
- Marcel Leuthold
- Marcel Rulli
- Marco Groen
- Marcos Koutelas
- Marcus Deleo
- Marcus Grebe
- MarioMaker
- Mark Alvarado – Scale Model Works
- Mark Bradley
- Dr. Mark Burnette
- Mark Dickson
- Mark Farinas
- Mark Fellman
- Mark Fuhrmann
- Mark Graham
- Mark Haberer
- Mark Ingplan
- Mark McGilton
- Mark Mondragon
- Mark Rachel
- Mark Rademaker
- Mark Swilley
- Mark Tanner
- Mark Worley
- Marshall Custom Models – Jonathon Marshall
- Martin Balog
- Martin Bower
- Martin H.
- Martin Laing
- Martin Weber
- MaskDesign – Gary Chomiak
- Massassi Models
- Massimo Gandolfi
- Master Box
- Massimo Sora
- Master Replicas
- Masterpiece Models
- Matchbox
- Matchstick Models – Uwe Delling
- Matt Craig
- Matt Jefferies
- Matt Quiroz
- Matt V. Mrozek
- Matthew Murray
- Matthew O’Connor
- Matthieu Marmy
- Mattias Seger
- Maurício Campos
- MAXX Replicas
- McROBO Creations – Darrin McNiven
- Medicom
- Megumi Yoshida
- Michael Bilbrey
- Michael Blaisdell
- Michael Brandolino
- Michael Hoffman
- Michael Kearns
- Michael Kuehner
- Michael Middleton
- Michael Miles Artistry
- Michael Plante
- Michael Provenzano
- Michael Salerno
- Michael San Felice
- Michael Schaeffer
- Michael Struck
- Microscale
- Mid-Country Fabrication
- Midnight Models – Dean Eyre
- Midwest Products Company
- Miguel & Daniel
- Mike Andreadakis
- Mike Bednar
- Mike Garland
- Mike Greaney
- Mike Gruhala
- Mike Hallop
- Mike Hernandez
- Mike Makkreel
- Mike Maynard
- Mike McCain
- Mike Niejalke
- Mike Reader
- Mike Reis
- Mike Stewart
- Mike Wolf
- Millennia Models International (MMI)
- Miniart
- Miniatur Wunderland
- Miniature World of Happy Boy (Yunjae Go) – 해피보이의 미니어처 세상
- Minicraft Models
- Minifig
- MIRAKITS – Miguel Recover
- Mirko Martinovic
- Misa Nikolic
- Mission Models Premium Hobby Paints
- MOC Pages
- Model by Foca – Carlos Henrique Dos Santos
- Model Club Productions – Cadu Souza
- Model Forces
- Model Forces – Christian Fröhlich
- Model Miniatures – Stephen Howarth
- Model Railroad News
- ModelsByChris
- Model Ship Masters
- ModelerV Studios – Vince Pedulla
- Modeler’s Brand Hobby Supplies
- Modeller Magazine
- Models From Star Wars – Alex Hilpert
- Modular Models – John Zizolfo
- Moebius Models
- Mohammad F. Haque
- Moldy Productions – Johnny Sawyer
- MoMods Cases – Mohamed Metwally
- Monsters in Motion – Terry Fitton
- Moo Yong Jung
- Moonbase Models – Gil Brumana
- Morten Moeslund
- MOVIE KITS – Juan Manuel Pajuelo Gómez & David González Haya
- MSLZ22 Models – Mike Salzo
- Multi-Verse Models
- Museum of Science Fiction – Greg Viggiano
- MusicBoxes.IT – Goffredo Colombani
- #
- N to Z Directory
- N
- NBG Studios – Nils Bernerskog
- Neale “Vance” Davidson
- Nebrah
- Neiluj Studio – Julien Jousseaume
- Nektarios Arnaoutakis
- NemVia Productions – Mark Nehmzow
- Neo Grade
- New Deal Studios
- NEXUS Models – Rodolfo Martinez
- NICE-N Model Designs – Steve Neisen
- Nelson Hall
- Nicholas Coleman Art
- Nicholas Sagan – COSMOS Models
- Nick Harrison
- Nick Maude
- Nico Weigand
- Nigel D. Wood Ward
- Niko’s STAR WARS Scale Models – Nicolas Huguet
- Nilo Rodis-Jamero
- Nitto Models
- NK – Natter-Kit
- NMH Customs
- Northern Shipyards – Sean Corsini
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- NZ Pete
- O
- P
- PanaVise
- ParaGrafix – Paul Bodensiek
- Paramount Pictures
- Paresh Ladd – The Scale Workshop
- Pascal Van Der Sande
- Patrice Garcia
- Patrick Read Johnson
- Patrick Reilly
- Paul A Zimdars
- Patrick Wood
- Paul Dilts
- Paul Francis
- Paul Schach
- Paul Larcom
- Paul Lubliner
- Paul Mather
- Paul Nyul
- Paul Roberts
- Paul Steeves
- Paulo Gominho (Pj Pj)
- Pegasus Hobbies
- Peltz Productions
- Péter Bíró
- Peter Blight / Concept Design
- Peter Jackson
- Peter Lawrence
- Peter Noble
- petersteven
- Phil Broad
- Phil Curl
- Phil Lister
- Phil Tippett
- philigore
- Philip Cocking
- Philip Novak
- Phillip Church
- Pierre Drolet – Sci-Fi Museum
- Pierre Fortin
- Piers Bizony
- Pinewood Studios
- Pinkerton FX – John Pinkerton
- Pixar Animation Studios
- Pixeltec
- PJT Models – Paul Taylor
- Planet Models
- Polar Lights
- Polly Scale Paints
- Polygonix Scale Models – Nathan Myers
- Pop Mech Pro
- Popular Mechanics
- Posigrade Kits
- Precision Ice and Snow – Steve McCarron
- Preston Kabinoff
- PrismaColor
- ProBuilt SciFi – Peter Matthews
- Product Enterprise Ltd.
- Production Model Shop
- Profiles in History – Joe Maddalena
- Profyle Studios
- Prologic9
- Proteus
- Q
- R
- R. Fox Electronics
- R.L. Bleecker
- Rafael Dominguez Estrada
- Rainbow Egg
- Rainer Löffler – Fantasy Figure
- Rainer Trunk
- Ralph Maximilian
- Ralph McQuarrie
- Randy Cooper Models
- Ranier Michalek
- RatDaddyStudio’s – Tim Nolan
- Raul Manforu
- Ravenstar Studio
- Ray Harryhausen
- Ray Lawson II
- Ray Vaughn
- RC SciFi – David Rutherford
- ReAnimation Toys – Steven Talbert
- Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery
- RED Empire Models – Nikolay Tereshkin
- Red Moon – 레드 문
- Reedees Miniatures
- Regal Robot
- Reliant Replicas
- Renegade Replicas – Robin Moore
- Replicas Unlimited
- Resin Addict – Zac Soden
- Resinator Lab – Rolando Gutierrez
- ResinBabes Models & Sculpt – Gregory Watters
- Retro Plastic – Dean Johnson
- Revell/Monogram
- Reviseco
- Richard Ashton – Its An Ashton
- Rich Campbell
- Rich Suchy
- Richard C. Datin Jr.
- Richard Edlund
- Richard Lamer
- Richard Lindstrom
- Richard Long
- Richard Sung Collection
- Rick Cantu
- Rick Horack
- Rick Idak
- Rick Ingalsbe
- Rick Sternbach
- Rick Teskey
- Rick Volk
- Ridley Scott
- River Bottom Studio – Jessica Barnd
- Rob (Pharchivist)
- Rob McFarlane Creative
- Rob Minnes
- ROBACK MODELS – Rodrigo Barraza
- Red Dwarf Selections
- RIDER’s Composite Artworks
- Robbie Powell
- Robert Burns Kits
- Robert Cowley
- Robert Fish
- Robert Gajic
- Robert James Models
- Robert Petersen
- Robert T. Cass
- Robert Thompson
- Robert Wagner
- Robert Waltman III
- Robert Watson – Composite Artworks
- Roberto Aguilera
- Roberto Baldassari
- Roberto Campos
- Robin Clifford
- Robin Phillips
- Robot Sapiens – Jihwan Kim ( 김지환 )
- Rod Lowe
- Rodolfo Magnus
- Rogers Rocketships – Jon C. Rogers
- Rogue Studio Productions – Lee Malone
- Roman Guettiers
- Ron Cobb
- Ron Fulce
- RPS Custom Models – Ronald Seipel
- Ron Headley
- Rossi Replicas – Rob Rossi
- Round 2 Models
- RS Prop Masters
- Russ Simpson
- Rust II Rust – Marko Osterholz
- Ryan C.
- Ryan Church
- Ryan Coombes
- Ryan Dening
- Ryan Keeton
- S
- Saltire Technologies
- Sainton Design – Nick Sainton-Clark
- Sander van der Velden
- Sandy “Rocko” Rivera
- Santo Ilardi
- Sarah Scott
- SC Models – Steve Causey
- Scale Solutions
- Scale Specialties – Dave Schwirian
- Schubert Nanjin Tam
- Schultz Studio – Joseph Schultz II
- Schurbet Namjin Tam
- Sci-Fi Air Museum – Bill George
- Sci-Fi Custom Models – Brain Stover
- Sci-High Models – Alex Dumas
- SciFi Studio Scale Modellers
- SciFiantasy – Kenny Conklin
- SciFiModels – Nico Möbius
- Scott Boon
- Scott E. Clarke
- Scott Girvan
- Scott Graham
- Scott Lintern
- Scott Lowther
- Scott Peery
- Scott Roberson
- Scott Schneider
- Scott Withers
- SD Studios – Stephen Dymszo
- Sean Brannin
- Sean Cooke
- Sean Greenplate
- Sean Hayes
- Sean Lam
- Sean Ravencraft
- Sebastian Birk
- Sergio Gutierrez
- Seth McFarlane
- Severn View Hobbies Ltd
- Shane Foulkes
- Shane Ware
- Shigeki “Jpress” Kano
- Shinji Kimura
- Shon Holyfield
- Shusei Nagaoka Design
- Sideshow Collectibles
- SiFi Rare Replicas – Danny Lancelot
- Silas Puls & Lea Puls
- Simlstar Graphics – John Rigoni (Capt. John Rigo)
- Simon Atkinson Creative Arts
- Simon Davantes
- Simon Jessel
- Simon Rush
- Simone Busch
- Skidmarks Diecast Collectibles – Fred Doerner
- Skip Harris
- SkunkWurkzModels
- Skybow
- Skyrocket Media – John Domrzalski
- SLY FY Kits & Dioramas – Arnaud SELESNEFF “DJSLY”
- Small Art Works – E. James Small
- Smallville Space – Charles Jackson
- Silas Puls
- Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum
- SMT – Scale Model Technologies – Colin Omilusik
- SolarWind
- South American Models
- Space Modelers – Thierry & Cécile Lhuissier
- Spacecraft Creation Models – Steve Carricato
- Special Hobby
- Spencer Perdriau
- Spockboy – Paul
- Square Models – Sean Sides
- SRS Prototyping – Scott Spicer
- Stacy Lawson
- StannArts – David Stann
- Staples and Vine Ltd.
- Star Destroyer Project – Lee “Furry” Justin
- Star.Killer77 – Michael Hawes
- Star Trek Continues
- Star Trek Online – ArtWorks
- Star Wars Launch Bay
- Star Wars Modélisme Fanatique Belgique – Fabrice Maggio
- Starburst Models – Gary Salerno
- Starcraft Models – Dennis St. Pierre
- Starfleet Model Academy – Wally Pasternak
- Starfleet Models
- Starfleet Yokosuka Shipyards
- Starling Technologies – Stanley Koziol
- Starship Modeler – John Lester
- Starship Models – Tom Stemmler/León Consilio
- Stash of Sprues – Kevin Hoppert
- Steel City Con
- Stefan Böttcher
- Stefan Hacker
- Dr. Stefan Piasecki, Professor
- Steff De Vos
- Stephan Martiniere
- Stephan Schumann
- Stephen Hoyle
- Stephen John Hamedl
- Stephen Kundrat
- Stephen Loftus
- Steve Blanes
- Steve Broderick
- Steve Dreyer
- Steve Eggers
- Steve Fried
- Steve Gawley
- Steve Jurgens
- Steve Martin
- Steve Neill
- Steve Platt
- Steve Wang – Creature Creator
- Steve’s Model Loft – Steve Smith
- Steven G. Johnson – Major, FA, US Army (ret)
- Steven T. Meer – SMEERWORLD
- Strato Art – Dale Jackson
- Stuart Godwin
- Stuart Jones
- Stuart Little
- Stuart Williamson
- Studio 2
- Studio 2 Models – Mamas Pitsillis
- Studio Modeler
- Studio Ren – Tetsuro Kato
- Studio Starforge – Petar Belic
- Studio Teto – Takasaki & SHIBA
- SW Revisited
- Sylvain Beignet
- Søren M Madsen
- T
- Takom Models
- Tamiya
- tan.j
- TECHNOMANIA Models – Marco Scheloske
- Tango Papa Decals – Tom Prestia
- Teejay Lasher
- TenaControls LLC – Raplh Tenaglia
- Terry Bradley
- Terry Cour II
- Terry Hyde
- TESTED – Adam Savage & Jamie Hyneman
- Terry Munro
- Testors
- Testors Model Masters
- The Breakers Yard – Nigel Rostance
- The Cylon Builders Club
- The Delta Quadrant – Erik Lakie
- The Dropship Club
- The Kit Factory – Simon Mercs
- The New Empire – Fabio Delfino
- The Mattes and Miniatures Studio – Leigh Took
- THE PRIME ALTERNATIVE – Ricky Wallace and Rick Carthew
- The Replica Forge – Don Semora
- The Scale Shipyard
- The Third Models – Mark Myers
- The ToyArk
- The Wrap
- Third Fate Creations – Steve Hughes
- Thomas Fan
- Thomas Haas
- Thomas Johnson
- Thomas Militello
- Thomas Sassar
- Thomas Weber
- Tiger Direct
- Tim Blanchard – NakedBrain Sci-Fi Models
- Tim Burton
- Tim Ketzer
- TIMEPSYCLE – Steve Kearslake
- TimeSlip Creations – George Takacs
- TITAN – Models and Memorabilia
- Titan Find
- Tobias Richter – The Light Works
- Tobias Rubom
- Todd M. Stuart
- Tom Brierton
- Todd Morton
- Tom DeSanto
- Tom Griep
- Tom Grossman
- Tom McDowell
- Tom Strong
- Tony Bryson
- Tony Cardona
- Tony Celliers – Dynamic Digital Creations
- Tony Hardy
- Toy Biz
- Tracy L Haynes
- Tracy Mann
- Tray Chester
- Trekmannscott
- Trendmaster
- Trevor Alderson
- Trumpeter
- Truro Model Club
- TS Hobbies – Tim Sloan
- Tom Piedmont
- U
- V
- W
- Walt Disney Studios
- WARP Models
- Warren Fu
- Wade Williams Productions
- Warren Zoell
- Wasili Angelopoulos
- Wasteland
- Wayne Hough
- Wayne Jones
- Wayne Middleton
- Wayne Minney
- Weili Pan
- Werner Leiss
- Werner Vandenbergh – Skunkdesigns
- Wesley Prewer
- White Dragon Miniatures
- White Room Artifacts, LLC
- Wiktor Wilczyński
- Wild House Models – Neil Wooding
- William Creber
- William Evans
- William Gardoski
- William Goldman
- William Hedges – Cosmic Films Studio
- William Henderson
- William Mellor
- William Pace
- Williams Brothers
- Wolfgang Hörz – HWH Beschriftungen
- Wolfs Workshop – Richard Woods & Michelle Hall
- Wonder World
- Woodland Scenics
- Working Props, Inc. – Tom Paris (Perys)
- Woodlawn
- World in Scale – Michael Franz
- World of Tanks
- WorthPoint
- X
- Y
- Z
- N
- Genre
- “13” Selections
- 300 Selections
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