Kropserkel tagged posts

SPECIAL OFFER!!! CYLON Helmet & Full Body Armor from KROPSERKEL



Opportunity to save on a Cylon purchase for 2015!!

1978 Battlestar Galactica

CYLON Full Body Armor



Visit KROPSERKEL by clicking the Banner Link above.

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning a classic Cylon costume / display and have been waiting for the right time, we have a discount offer to present.
We recently formed and vacuum metallized armoured components and have 4 extra complete sets to offer at a $200 US discount! (offered on full centurion outfit and centurion outfit armour sets per our PDF)
Not only would your custom fitted build time be reduced, but you can enjoy a volume discounted rate on the production that we are passing along to you.
We are also very excited to be able to offer our long awaited On-The-Fly Cylon Voice Emulation System VT-3 as a...
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Kropserkel CYLON Centurion from the Michael Plante Collection

Collector Michael Plante recently sent me photos of the full sized CYLON Centurion he acquired from KOPRSERKEL! What an amazing piece!


Here are a few pictures of my recently acquired Cylon Centurion from Kropserkel complete with sound, sword and laser rifle. I had it specifically made as a display to fit a 6’ manikin and the body suite was done in black to match the perceived color on the TV show as most people don’t realize it was actually a mauve color but appeared black with all the studio lights during filming.

Be well!


To contact KROPSERKEL direct with inquiry or purchase,

please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.







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