Gregg Nowling tagged posts

1:1 Buck Roger’s Dr. Theopolis by Gregg Nowling for the Chris Borges-Silva Collection

Gregg Nowling


Buck Roger’s in the 25th Century’s

Dr. Theopolis

for the

Chris Borges-Silva Collection


This is a replica of Dr. Theopolis from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. He was built and assembled entirely from scratch by Gregg “Droid Boy” Nowling for my personal collection.

Some time ago, Gregg built one exactly like this for Gil Gerard, who has displayed his Dr Theopolis at conventions.

If Gregg can gain interest in FOUR of these, he may make a kit of it!

The lighting has 3 options: off, on and blinking via AA battery pack inside.I’m planning on modding him further some day with a sound trigger sensor which will toggle the eyes and light up the red “eye brows” and “mouth” pieces as on the tv show.

-Chris Borges-Silva







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