Dave Tomarchio tagged posts

2013 JerseyFest NEWS!!!



Preparation for the 2013 “Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair” are going extremely well and we are confident that both vendors and attendees will be very impressed with the major production we are having for the show. We are beginning to collect payments for vendor tables. If you would like to secure a table(s), you can pay now via Paypal or by mailing us a check. Contact us when ready to make payment and we can send you an invoice or provide you with mailing instructions.

Here is some key information:

– The vendor show is Saturday, September 14th and Sunday the 15th, 2013. Table setup for vendors is Friday night (Sept. 13th).

– Tables are only $175 each, which covers Saturday and Sunday.

– The special hotel room rate with the Jerseyfest room block is $109.00 per night plus tax.

– T...

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THIS WEEKEND!! 2012 “Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair”


Hey guys:

The 2012 “Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair” is just a week away (Saturday, Aug. 4th, from 11:00AM to 8:00PM) and I hope to see some of you there! Over 75 vendor tables in a big, air conditioned facility with tons of model kits and collectibles for display and sale. Painting and sculpting demos and panel discussions all day by top artists are included with the $10 price of admission. Awesome exhibits and model contest! Raffles and free items too! The venue is in a great area of New Jersey central to New York and Pennsylvania. People from all over the country and even international visitors will be at the big show.

No matter what type of kits or scales you’re into, there will be vendors there for you if you build and paint figure or vehicle kits or buy collectibles...

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COMING AUGUST 4, 2012: Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair!!


Sure! Wonderfest is just about underway this coming weekend! Why let the fun stop there! Check out JERSEYFEST this August!

My name is Dave Tomarchio and I am the producer of the “Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair” (www.jerseyfestfair.com), which is a hobby and collectibles show happening in New Jersey (near Princeton) in August of this year and at the Crowne Plaza Fairfield Hotel, NJ in September of next year.  We are the premier show of its kind on the East Coast and the perfect compliment to the great Wonderfest.

We are fortunate to have top producers and artists participating this year.  Jerseyfest has been building up for 5 years and we have professional space at Rider University for our vendor show on Saturday, August 4th...

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