battlestar tagged posts

Little Frakkin’ Toasters Classic Chrome Centurion from QMX!!

Chrome is The New Black

Standing a gleaming six inches tall (not including his upraised rifle or pentagonal base), the Little Frakkin’ Toasters Classic Cylon Centurion is cast in resin and beautifully chrome plated. Designed by Battlestar Galactica special-effects artist Dustin Adair, who also designed the long sold-out original Little Frakkin’ Toaster, this classic chrome toaster features a highly detailed design, showing off the centurion’s armature and his deadly, deadly weapons.

The Classic Centurion comes on a mirrored base shaped and painted like the emblem of the Cylon race. Available in an edition of just 1,000 statues he’s individually numbered and priced to sell at just $79.95.





Chrome Plated

This Classic Centurion Animated Maquette is our first to feature a highly...

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“Hot Dog Piloting” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Being that the best experienced Colonial Pilots are spread thin these days, Captain Apollo rarely gets to share the skies with his best friend… Lt. Starbuck. Such was one of these days. A colony-type planet had been detected a few light years in front of the fleet and needed to have some recon done…. their names were first on the flight roster. Detecting no hostile presence, the two friends shoot for the deck of the planet to discover most of it covered with water. Alone, with beautiful skies above, deep blue oceans below…. and a whole world of freedom waiting to hear the screaming of Viper engines for the first time….. Apollo looks over at Starbuck… who just nods, and waves his hand as if to say “after you” while placing his cigar back in his mouth…...

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