Industry artist Gary Kerr emailed me today to tell me of this great venture… the Museum of Science Fiction! This is exactly what this art form should have for all to view! Check it out with the banner link below… Or visit where you may even donate to the cause!!
Visit the site!!!
Or…Donate at the site linked to the banner below…
I hope you’re enjoying the holiday weekend. Seven days ago we launched the campaign for the Museum of Science Fiction on www.scificrowdfund.com
In just one week, we’ve accomplished some major achievements worth sharing:
1. Hour of the Wolf radio talk show host, Jim Freund commits to partnering with MSF to digitize hundreds of radio interviews with SF literary greats for our website: https://www.hourwolf.com/hotw/
2. Over 600 Facebook Likes
3. Over 100 Volunteers stepping forward to assist in a variety of professional areas – including 15 museum professionals
4. Over $20,000 from about 200 donors ($100 average donation)
5. First collector steps forward to lend magnificent Battlestar Galactica filming props: https://www.smallartworks.ca/Battlebuck/Galactica/Galactica/BigG.html
6. San Fran-based design firm Louis Paul Miller volunteering to lead the MSF rebranding efforts.
7. LA-based Applied Esoterics steps forward to volunteer and design content for the wrap-around floor-to-ceiling LED screen.
It would be terrific if you could spread the word by simply clicking the Facebook and Twitter buttons on the page in that link. Just two clicks makes a BIG difference!
Best regards
PS – Please fwd this email to friends, family, co-workers…anyone you think would be interested. Our next press release breaks tomorrow morning! You can see a copy at www.museumofsciencefiction.org/presspacket
Visit the Museum site direct, please click the banner link above.
To contact the Museum direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.
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