Category WeatheringScaleModels – Kostas Georgiou

FOR SALE!! Kostas Georgiou’s Award Winning DIORAMA – “Crash Landed, Planet Unknown”


Presents This

2017 Award Winning Diorama



(Pricing is Subject to Change by Seller)

500 €

Plus Shipping

Scale: 1/144

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: World-Wide

Payment Methods Accepted: (Modeler Magic always recommends protection using PAYMENT OPTIONS such as PAYPAL or SQUARE **Utilizing Credit Card Protection**, Or use eBay or MERCARI for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)

Kit Description: Here some photos of an old project that is now for sale. This is a scratch built diorama, with parts from various models ( ships, armor , etc ) . The figures are from Bandai, and converted for the scene. It won me gold medals in various competitions along with the Best of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Categories...

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FOR SALE!! From WeatheringScaleModels KOSTAS GEORGIOU – “Surprise MotherF…!



“Surprise MotherF…”

Diorama with Lights!


Plus World-wide Registered Airmail

This Diorama is a fiction scene in a Post Apocalyptic world, from my imagination. The price is €300 plus shipping costs worldwide with registered airmail.
Kostas Georgiou

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.



Kostas Georgiou

Athens, Greece


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FOR SALE!! WeatheringScaleModels – Kostas Georgiou Award Winning Apocalyptic “BOT” Diorama



Award Winning

Apocalyptic “BOT” Diorama

(Pricing is Subject to Change by Seller)


Plus Registered Shipping from Greece

Here is a diorama that I finished in 2018. I used some parts from a Bandai Gundam, and also parts from armor and ships kits. I also used Evergreen plastics,
cardboard, wood putty and some other stuff laying around. The model includes an LED with a Fiber Optic that illuminates the Bot’s eye using a 9V battery. It won gold prizes at Fantasy – Sci-Fi masterclass in various contests and was featured in articles in modeling magazines.
It is for sale at 300 Euros + registered shipping from Greece.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Kostas Georgiou

To contact the SELLER direct, please click the CONTACT SELLER link below.


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Kostas Georgiou – Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – ENDOR Cat and Mice – Diorama

This is my last commission work at 1/48 scale. I made several modifications on the Bandai kit to look like it starts to move, and to accept more gentle the enamels and oils for weathering without serious cracking of the plastic components. Chewbacca is converted from the kit and the commandos from modern soldiers. The bunker entrance is scratch built.
Thank you.
Kostas Georgiou
Weathering Scale Models

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