Category Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair, LLC

“Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making” all day class at Jerseyfest Academy


The above model was beautifully built by artist Jason Eaton!

There is still time to register for the “Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making” all day class at Jerseyfest Academy on September 13th. Here is some more info on what will be covered, plus how to register:

Jason Eaton
“I plan to go over the ideas and solutions to lighting or adding a little dynamic motion to models. I’ll show examples with lights in engines, cockpits, and navigation lighting. The Blade Runner Blimp was a much more intensive lighting and video challenge, so I’ll show how that was accomplished, what hurdles were encountered along the way, and how you can use third party vendors to get what you need, if your skill set doesn’t get you to where you want to go...

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Jeff Yagher Sculpting Presentations at Jerseyfest!


We are honored to have Jeff Yagher, the “godfather” of monster model sculptors, as one of our special guests at Jerseyfest. He will be at a vendor table all weekend long, so stop by to say hello.

On Saturday, he will be doing a presentation in a separate conference room where he will discuss the sculpting methods he used on numerous figures and busts that he sculpted over the years. On Sunday, he will be doing the same for his “Yagher Classics” series, which is one of the most impressive model lines to ever grace our great hobby.

As a reminder, all demos during the vendor show are included with the price of admission into the show. See the latest listing of show demos here:

Below are some of Jeff’s sculpts painted by some of the most gifted painte...

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Demos & Presentations During Jerseyfest Vendor Show

For the price of admission into the show, Jerseyfest show attendees have the option of attending many demos and presentations all weekend long on painting, building and sculpting figure & vehicle models as well as getting an inside look on how models and make up effects were used on classic movies. Note that we have made our Sunday programming especially good! Between the Saturday night events/parties and Sunday presentations, our goal is to make it a great experience for folks staying for the whole weekend.

See all the details on the presentations here:


To visit JerseyFest Fair site direct, please click the banner link above.

To contact JerseyFest Fair direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair, LLC

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Lorne Peterson Best Star Wars Kit Award at Jerseyfest Contest !


Lorne Peterson Best Star Wars Kit Award at Jerseyfest Contest !

The Jerseyfest Model & Art Contest will feature a very special award called the “Lorne Peterson Best Star Wars Kit” award. Lorne will be at our show all weekend long and will be picking out the winning kit, which can be any completed Star Wars vehicle model kit (resin, plastic, scratch built, diorama, etc.) entered in the contest. The award is a beautiful, big, vertical standing plaque with a shimmering blue tint, which will be autographed by Lorne. He will announce the winner and hand the person the plaque during the Jerseyfest Contest Awards Ceremony. We will take a photo of Lorne handing the award to the winner so that the special moment can be captured for a lifetime for that person...

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Can you get any cooler than winning an award for best Predator from the man who created the original monster for the movie? The winner of the “Steve Wang Best Predator Kit” autographed trophy at the Jerseyfest Model & Art Contest will be picked out by none other than Steve Wang himself, who will be a special guest at the show all weekend long. The category is for best paint job/composition of a Predator kit – figure, bust or diorama. Steve will sign the trophy and give it to the winner at the awards ceremony. A picture will be taken of Steve handing the trophy to the winner, which will be provided to the person to capture this once in a life time, memorable moment...

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Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making Seminars at JerseyFest 2013!!


Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making Seminars (Cost: $60 per person)

The 2013 Jerseyfest Academy will include a new all day seminar called “Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making” from 9:00AM to 5:00PM at the Fairfield Crowne Plaza Hotel on Friday, September 13th. The event is being held the day before the weekend long vendor show. Experts will demonstrate advanced techniques and methods for building, painting and customizing resin and plastic Sci-Fi vehicle model kits, such as spaceships from Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Aliens, etc.

Numerous topics will be presented in a series of professional demonstrations or slideshows in a relaxed setting that allows you to sit back and enjoy the experience and knowledge gained. Topics to be covered include:

– Pa...

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Original ILM Studios & Star Wars Chief Model Maker “Lorne Peterson” at Jerseyfest !


We at Jerseyfest are so honored to have Lorne Peterson attending as one of our special guests at Jerseyfest in September.  Not only will attendees be able to meet Lorne, but he’ll also be doing presentations on his past model making experiences at ILM Studios, which included Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Battle Star Galactica, etc.  He also will be discussing his current and future projects, including his terrific book “Sculpting a Galaxy – Inside the Star Wars Model Shop”.  Click here to see more background information on Lorne.

To subscribe to our news blog so you can instantly receive big show news updates, go to this web page, scroll down and enter your e-mail address on the bottom right of the screen:

Female Figure Kit Painting Class Launches at Jerseyfest Academy !!

Jerseyfest is thrilled to announce another incredible, new “all day” painting class occurring at the 2013 Jerseyfest Academy, which will cover painting a beautiful, female figure model kit !  Once again we are humbled to have two of the very best painters in the hobby teaching the class – Jim Capone (Kitbuilder’s Magazine) and Steve Parke (Amazing Figure Modeler Magazine).  We are also using terrific, discounted products from our great partners, Garage Kits US, Tag Team Hobbies, Iwata Medea, Badger and RC Sculptor.  Registrations begin now and seats are limited – see all the details by clicking here.




To visit JerseyFest Fair site direct, please click the banner link above.

To contact JerseyFest Fair direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Jerseyfest M...

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2013 JerseyFest NEWS!!!



Preparation for the 2013 “Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair” are going extremely well and we are confident that both vendors and attendees will be very impressed with the major production we are having for the show. We are beginning to collect payments for vendor tables. If you would like to secure a table(s), you can pay now via Paypal or by mailing us a check. Contact us when ready to make payment and we can send you an invoice or provide you with mailing instructions.

Here is some key information:

– The vendor show is Saturday, September 14th and Sunday the 15th, 2013. Table setup for vendors is Friday night (Sept. 13th).

– Tables are only $175 each, which covers Saturday and Sunday.

– The special hotel room rate with the Jerseyfest room block is $109.00 per night plus tax.

– T...

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EVENT ALERT!! Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair 2013



Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share with you some information about our 2013 show. The weekend long show is in a great area hotel in a great area of the country close to New York City and Newark Airport. The vendor show is on a Saturday and Sunday in September of 2013, and on the Friday before will be doing “all day” hobby classes as part of “Jerseyfest Academy”. We will have many top vendors and artists in the hobby, both on the figure side and Sci-Fi vehicle side – we are a hybrid show. Plus we will have “how to” demos and presentations by expert modelers all weekend long.

Here are several pictures from our 2012 show that just passed: We received rave reviews and buzz across the hobby community from our last show and many vendors did ve...

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