Douglas Scott
36″ Nebulon B… REDEMPTION
$3,500 USD
Plus Shipping & Handling
Now in the Brian Wooldridge Collection
Shipping: USA Only
Payment Methods Accepted: PayPal Preferred (Modeler Magic Always Recommends Using PAYPAL for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)
This is a build from the Cosmos Models/JPG Productions kit. The kit was hallowed out in areas to allow lighting. The engines on the back are MadMan Lighting “Big Assed Engine” kit and have the flicker effect.
The rest of the lighting is my own design to light up windows
Paint started with Model Master Grays for the base coat and then other colors were done with Vallejo
Weathering was done in three parts.
1. Basic wash with watered down Vallejo paint
2. Pastel Chalks to give it a worn and dated look,