Once again I have the pleasure of introducing another fine artist to this gallery… Dean Thomas! Today he is showing his fantastic build from basla wood of the studio scale Battlestar Galactica! Very impressive! I would have loved to see this completed with detail and parts, but sadly, Dean gave it to another individual. Great work on this!
Here is what Dean has to say…
I had purchased plans for a ‘Nova-class Star-Carrier’ (in other words, a ‘COLUMBIA’ -class star carrier) online. The person who drew up the plans based them on still pics and other data. I used Balsa wood as a test bed so that I would be able to build a better shell out of plastic. The balsa shell I gave away to an individual who said that he could do the sealing and thus be able to apply the exterior detailing to it. I don’t know if he finished the project though…
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