Lucas Francis Studio Open House Build Day on 2/12/2011


Industry famed modeler Paul Francis is having an OPEN HOUSE BUILD DAY at his studio on February 12, 2011! This is a fantastic opportunity to ask questions and learn from a master model maker personally… and away from the huge crowds of fantastic and huge events such as Wonderfest. If you are near the area where his studio is located… I highly recommend taking advantage of this rare opportunity. Paul having worked on key components from major films like Bicentennial Man, and many others, don’t miss out on the knowledge you may gain from this experience.

Here are the details…

“Bring a project or just come to hang out. Build Days are about learning new techniques and sharing info on the industry and our hobbies!”

Paul E. Francis


Date: 2/12/2011

Time: 10 am – 1 pm


500 Cline Rd.

Dandridge, TN. 37725

If you believe you will attend,

please R.S.V.P. by clicking the banner link below…




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