When FX industry known Jack Moik contacted me a few weeks ago, I had no idea what he had in store to show us all with this newest project film… NYDENION. It is a truly incredible piece of work using both miniatures and CG artists to produce the finest film possible with today’s knowledge!
Here are a few words from the Magna Mana CEO (and master of Visual FX) Jack Moik regarding NEYDENION…
Basically Nydenion is our homage to the great Sci-Fi epics like Star Wars, Blade Runner and Alien. It was
started by me and a couple of students as a independent film project more than 15 years ago. We worked nearly 10 years in our free time in an old warehouse near Frankfurt/Germany on sets, models and tabletop miniatures. In those days was all financed by ourself.In 1997 I stepped into the professional movie world and worked for a couple of companies like Panasensor who did the miniatures for Roland Emmerich. Since fall 2009 my own Movie FX company Magna Mana FX https://www.magnamana.de/magnamanafx.html helped with the visual FX on Nydenion. The Los Angels based US distributor Lonely Seal Entertainment likes to release the film in the US in fall 2010.
Jack Moik
Magna Mana FX GmbH
And here are some beautiful photos of the cast and crew doing what they do best!
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