1:144 TWA Moonliner by Brad Dillon

This classic design is of course from the Disney original design, but made into this beautiful kit by Glencoe Models. They called theirs the Marsliner. Professional modeler Brad Dillon did wonderful work on this piece with his clean lines (which are extremely difficult to do on this piece due to it’s curved shape). This will always be a favorite design of mine, and master modeler Brad Dillon did it the beautiful justice it deserves! Once again… a classy build from Brad Dillon!


To contact Brad Dillon direct for his professional services, please click on his name anywhere on this page. To visit his site, please click on his banner below…


This kit is lightable!! You can purchase a light kit through VooDooFX by clicking the banner below:


Need a CUSTOM Plaque for your New Piece? Contact Kevin Hinson with inquiry into making your own custom plaque, or have some created for you, please click his banner link below…


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