We have all seen professional modeler Robin Moore’s works before, but this is the first we will be showing TWO of his at once for reference purpose! The Falcon needs no introduction, but the Episode III paint job of the Stellar Envoy is especially noted in this viewing! It is the first I have seen a replica of since Star Wars – Revenge of the Sith was released! I love what Robin did with this paint scheme so much that I plan on having a much larger version built for the Gallery. Both models were built from the old MPC kits (now Revell/Monogram). Wonderful pieces from talented modeler Robin Moore!
To inquire into Robin’s techniques or services, just click his name here… ROBIN MOORE.
This kit is lightable!! You can purchase a light kit through VooDooFX by clicking the banner below:
Need a CUSTOM Plaque for your New Piece? Contact Kevin Hinson with inquiry into making your own custom plaque, or have some created for you, please click his banner link below…
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