Scott Spicer (SRS Prototyping) – TimeSlip Creations – 1:4105 BATTLESTAR Galactica

This piece was originally shown here on Modelers Miniatures & Magic back on December 1, 2009 and now updated to today’s showing standard! Built from the TimeSlip Creations kit that he mastered for them (years before the Moebius Kit was brought to market in the same scale), artist Scott Spicer did fantastic work for his client with this build.

“The client requested a ‘dirty’ version of the Galactica, more so than what has been done to build ups of the kit. The filming model showed evidence of staining and variations in color, so I took that as inspiration for my weathering. I wanted to make my version unique and as artistic as possible.

I started with spray bomb primer and then a coating of a custom mixed light gray to replicate the filming model’s base color. I also wanted to duplicate the faded look of the filming model’s red striping, to which the client agreed to. For the red stripes, I used a combination of red makers and red acrylic paints. I am very happy with the faded look they have. All of the stripes, accept for the circle decal, were hand applied. The weathering colors were dark grey, earth brown, dark sea, rust, ochre and black. All of the weathering was applied by hand using a brush and Q-Tips and paper towel. The model was not sealed with a clear coat so as not to fill in details and make it too toy-like. I viewed it as a battleship model… they are not sealed with clear coat or future.”
Scott Spicer
SRS Prototyping


Scott Spicer




George Takacs




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