This one was along time coming. I purchased a few parts from the kit’s original pattern maker (Richard Long) years ago, and I knew then were parts missing. The pattern had eventually made it’s way to Frank Cerney of FM Model Company whom I am happy to say was able to sell me the missing parts. I am grateful of Frank for doing so… it helped with this project very much. That stated, part challenges continued with minor issue. With what Frank sent me, Dan still had to scratch build two of the wings due to a mishap of mistaken parts shipping… (basically two of the same wings which cannot be flipped from side to side). Unfortunately by the time we realized this, Frank had already sold the patterns to an unnamed person….LOL… it was beginning to appear like we were not meant to have this model… lol. Though nothing truly stops a great artist from creating what he or she will. In any case, as I am informed, the 1/24 McQuarrie REL X-Wing Pattern’s new owner is having artist Mark Worley making molds and casts from those patterns for his personal use. I am not certain yet, but it is possible we may not see any more kits from that pattern. We shall see. Cross your fingers that a Kit will be made available once again. However.. for those who have these kits, or builds from them, if kits are not available any longer, the value of those already made will begin to rise.
Of this build… Dan and I decided that we would make this one a bit different from the other fantastic builds of it we have seen. We would make this to be a tribute to both Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnston by adding features to the McQuarrie design that were seen from Joe Johnston’s artworks. The “5” on the side of the cockpit and the updated “Johnston” pilot helmet were added along with the interior having some Johnston sketched features. Small paint differences can be seen of the body and wings that honor these two great artists we love so much. Even the droid is fantastic as are the pods added to the bottom of the fuselage. I will be taking Blue Screen Photos of this soon to show here. I am grateful to Ralph and Joe for their works that they have created for us all… in Star Wars, and all they have worked on. We miss Ralph, and his legacy lives on in all of us. I am also very grateful of artist Dan Grumeretz for making this piece the way we envisioned. It turned out perfectly. Blue Screen to come!!
Kurt Kuhn
Kuhn Global Incorporated
Modelers Miniatures & Magic
Below: These are the McQuarrie and Johnston art references we decided to use for this X-Wing build…
Photos are in reverse order to show the final piece first, then working back to the beginning of the build.
Dan Grumeretz
Kurt Kuhn
Director/Producer/Writer/Design Illustrator
Frank Cerney
Richard Long
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