This model replica has been a thrill to photograph. Each angle simply looks menacing… and cool! I received this completed piece from Dan last year. Truth be told, it had started life many years ago as an actual cast from an original. The original cast was given to R.L. Bleecker to build and paint up as Buck’s Thunderfighter (SEEN HERE). It spent many years on display, and after it was borrowed to be on Display at different events (in order to suggest replicas would soon come from a Licensed Company), it eventually was returned months later with damage. At that time I thought we would change this one up. I then gave it to Dan Grumeretz to do so. Dan and I decided to make it the fantastic “Happy Birthday, Buck” Fighter…. which is Cornell Traeger’s early Starfighter seen in that very episode.
Traeger’s Starfighter differs from Buck’s Thunderfighter with it’s top stabilizers standing in their menacing positions, and the bottom stabilizers actually lengthened to be much longer than the Thunderfighter we all know. Then there are the front side wings with the guns that are very close to those used (if not the same) on a Colonial Viper. There are other minor details here and there, and Dan did it complete justice, making this a very worthy replica. One difference from the original however,… Dan made Traeger as the pilot, copying what the actor wore in the episode. Even Traeger’s visor is on him. Excellent work.
I hope you enjoy my photos of this fantastic replica…which has direct ties to an original filming model used in 1979.
Kurt Kuhn
Kuhn Global, Inc.
Modelers Miniatures & Magic
Above: Kurt Kuhn with the Traeger Starfighter Replica
Kurt Kuhn
Dan Grumeretz
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