USS Enterprise Colors from the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum Restoration

Our thanks to Mike Makkreel for keeping us updated, and to the crew of the Air & Space Museum for a fine job!


The article can be accessed by clicking on the Smithsonian Banner that is just below the photos.


  1. Production Hull Gray-Green; LAB: L 64.45 A -3.53 B 2.40, Approximate match: Benjamin Moore “Heather Gray” # 2139-40, Note: Actual match is less green and less yellow (chip currently available from Benjamin Moore).
  2. Pilot Hull Blue-Gray; LAB: L 62.96 A -1.97 B -4.20, Approximate match: Sherwin Williams “Babbling Brooke” # HGSW 3364, Note: Actual match is slightly darker, and slightly less red.
  3. Light Gray accent color; LAB: L 81.37 A -2.23 B -0.37, Approximate match: Pratt and Lambert “Nickel” #2232, Note: No adjustments needed (“Calibrated Colors IV” color deck).
  4. Medium Gray accent color; LAB: L 66.89 A -0.55 B 3.99, Approximate match: Pratt and Lambert “Half-tone” #2298, Note: No adjustments needed (“Calibrated Colors IV” color deck).
  5. Dark Gray accent color; LAB: L 49.13 A -0.52 B 1.20, Approximate match: Pratt and Lambert “Gettysburg” #2242, Note: No adjustments needed (“Calibrated Colors IV” color deck).
  6. Yellow markings; LAB: L 79.72 A -10.24 B 56.78, Approximate match: FS 595B # 23785, Note: Actual match is slightly darker, slightly greener, and slightly less yellow.
  7. Red markings; LAB: L 37.26 A 40.76 B 16.79, Approximate match: Valspar “Cut-ruby” #1009-4, Note: Actual match slightly less red and slightly less yellow.
  8. Turbo Lift Green; LAB: L 46.63 A -5.39 B 5.09, Approximate match: FS 595B #34159, Note: Actual match slightly lighter, slightly less green and slightly more yellow.
  9. Dorsal Aqua accent color; LAB: L 56.60 A -21.72 B -17.72, Approximate match: FS 595B #35275. Note: Requires thinning to a very transparent wash.






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