Simon Mercs “Papa Smurf” – 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea – Custom Replicas 67″ NAUTILUS

This took roughly 5 months time, and is a very rare Custom Replica’s kit….. it measured out to be over 67 inches long and was a visual feast. There are very few of these kits left. I found one by contacting Jim key, the prior owner of Custom replicas, who had sold the two last kits to a Florida resident. I managed to buy one the kits, as a client who had formerly ordered my 32 inch version, wanted this far bigger one.

The kit arrived, and soon it became clear that many parts were missing. It was a kit that had been around for decades, so lost parts were not unusual…however…there were many missing parts. I was able to scratch build several parts, but some were too complex. Timeslip Creations owner George Takacs steered me to George Waldron, who created some very complex parts for the project. I am very grateful for their kind assistance…the Nautilus would not have been so stunning, without their help…

Here are a few images to show you the results. It lived in my Living Room for a few months, and is now gone to it’s new owner. I will miss her tremendously….

Simon “Papa Smurf” Mercs
The Kit Factory

“To go where no modeler has gone before!”


Simon “Papa Smurf” Mercs




Jim Key

Chatsworth, CA. U.S.A.



George Takacs




George Waldron





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