1:1400 Starcraft’s USS Kelvin by Smith Model Industries

I have the pleasure of introducing artist Steve Smith of Smith Model Industries to our gallery family! Showing first is his fantastic build of the USS Kelvin form the Star Trek JJ-Verse! Fantastic!


Here’s a build of Starcrafts USS Kelvin. Kit scale is 1:1400, putting the model around 10.50 inches in length! Assembly was simple. Everything fit together very nice. Eight pieces in all. Plus you can order wallpaper hull plating decals to really make this kit stand out! Only a few pinholes to fill. I built the ship in subassmeblies. Saucer, engine, shuttle pod. Sub assemblies were primed with Rust-oleum auto primer. Then a base coat of aggressor gray was used. Then glossed for the hull plating decals. The hull plating decals went down well. Did use micro liquid decal film over them first, keep them from tearing. Then another gloss coat, ships marking laid down. Then some flat coat. Little weathering to “Dirty” up this old ship. Also used white paint mixed with a touch of sky blue, to give the engines their “Plasma” glow. Then a final coat of flat to blend everything in. The sub assemblies were then glued together, and finished Kelvin was placed on the Round 2 universal Stand.
Overall, I was very pleased with the ease of this kit, and the outcome!







To visit the Smith Model Industries site direct, please click the banner link above.

To contact Steve Smith direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Steve Smith


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