Category AVATAR Selections

COLLECTION WARS! Episode 4: Kurt Kuhn – The Man Behind Modeler Magic

Welcome back to COLLECTION WARS! This was shown on March 11, 2021.

In this episode we interview Kurt Kuhn, the founder of

Kurt has inspired sci-fi fans around the world with his amazing passion towards preserving the the art of Studio Scale Modeling. Kurt’s passion for movie models extends from Star Was, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and beyond. Kurt has dedicated the last few decades to bringing collectors, artists, and fans to his amazing website for an all inclusive experience that allows fans to reconnect with ships and models they love.

Kurt Kuhn has bee instrumental in keeping the Studio Scale art form alive through his own passion...

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KIT ALERT! RE-RELEASE from Fantastic Plastic! – AVATAR – 1/72 AT-99 Gunship Kit






AT-99 Gunship Kit

Pattern by Alfred Wong

(Pricing is Subject to Change by Kit Seller)

$75 USD

Plus Shipping

Kit Scale: 1/72

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: 53 pressure-cast resin pieces

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: World-Wide

Kit Availability: text

Payment Methods Accepted: (Modeler Magic always recommends protection using PAYMENT OPTIONS such as PAYPAL or SQUARE **Utilizing Credit Card Protection**, Or use eBay or MERCARI for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)

Kit Description: The AT-99 “Scorpion” gunship from James Cameron’s “AVATAR” (2009) in 1:72.

  • Clear Vacuform Canopy
  • Decals Designed by JBOT, printed by TangoPapa
  • Pattern by Alfred Wong
  • Casting by Millennia Models International (MMI)
  • Pi...
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Introducing Fantastic Modeler’s own… PHILIGORE

Great works are coming out of France and the great shop of Fantastic Modelers! On the sculpting side of the shops’ excellence, we have the great artist known as Philigore. His work inspires! I love it!


Figures Sculptor & Painter


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Disneyland & Disney World Miniatures.. inclusive of Star Wars – Galaxy’s Edge

I have been fortunate and blessed to have many opportunities to visit the Happiest Place on Earth, and it’s cousins around the world. Every time I visit these places the inner kid comes out as I watch my own grown children, and my grandchildren enjoying the things as I once viewed them. Actually… I still do see the magic in it all. The Miniatures and full sized props that come out of Disney are astounding, and I thought I would share some of them here today. Keep in mind that these photos are taken through their glass encasement’s. And still… the magic behind it all makes me smile. I believe that miniatures simply bring us all into great wonder… no matter who we may be!


Kurt Kuhn
Kuhn Global Incorporated
Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic


This is the model that is for t...

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KIT ALERT! It’s BACK from Fantastic Plastic!! AVATAR 1:72 Aerospatiale SA-2 “Samson” Gunship Kit



1:72 Aerospatiale SA-2 “Samson” Gunship

$75 USD

Plus Shipping

Kit Scale: 1/72

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: 41

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: World-Wide

Kit Availability: NOW

Payment Methods Accepted: (Modeler Magic always recommends protection using PAYMENT OPTIONS such as PAYPAL or SQUARE **Utilizing Credit Card Protection**, Or use eBay or MERCARI for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)

Kit Description: By popular demand, our 1:72 Aerospatiale SA-2 “Samson” Gunship from James Cameron’s 1999 sci-fi mega-hit “AVATAR” is back in the Fantastic Plastic Virtual Museum Store! Patterned by Alfred Wong, this kit includes 41 bubble-free pressure-cast resin pieces plus a clear vacuform canopy. (Two canopies are provided in each kit...

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Berton Pierce’s SENSE OF SCALE – A Documentary Film of Industry Model Making


This documentary is about the dying art of model making. Focusing on the personal stories of the model makers whose work shaped and enhanced the impact of feature films and gave it a breathtaking scale. Their practical hands on art is now slowly dying out, giving way to computer generated imagery.

The model makers share their experiences along with personal insights and behind the scenes views from films they worked on. Included are some of the best and well known model makers worldwide. The films on which they have worked include; STAR WARS, STAR TREK, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, GHOSTBUSTERS, JAMES BOND GOLDENEYE, ARMAGEDDON, MOON, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, CITY OF LOST CHILDREN, 1941, STARSHIP TROOPERS, UNDERWORLD, WATERWORLD, GODZILLA, TITANIC!

Berton Pierce directed Sense of Scale, his first featu...

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New Creations of Julien Dumont and Kennocha Baud (dbFX Workshop)

Amazing artists Julien Dumont and Kennocha Baud do absolutely beautiful work! Making these beautiful creations is nothing short of fantastic! Working out of their own shop (dbFX) in Geneva, Switzerland… these two artists are true sculptors! I love viewing their works,.. and I am further honored to be able to show them on Modeler Magic.

To visit Julien and Kennocha’s site dbFX Workshop, please click on their banner link below…






Foire de Lyon 049


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KIT ALERT! AVATAR 1:288 Valkyrie Deep Space Shuttle from Fantastic Plastic

Kit Alert
Valkyrie Deep Space Shuttle
Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models
Scale: 1:288
Material: Resin
Number of Pieces: 29
Price: $110
Shipping: $9 USA | $17 International
Available: NOW
Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Money Order
PayPal Address:

The Avatar Valkyrie SSTO-TAV-37 B-class shuttlecraft is a massive trans-atmospheric craft used to shuttle men, equipment, supplies and ore between starships and the surface of the alien moon Pandora. More than 100 meters long, the Valkyrie has moveable jets that allow it to take off and land vertically as well maneuver at very low speeds. Its massive cargo bay can hold up to 60 troops, 25 AMP suits and 25 tons of supplies.

Length: 14.5″
Decals by JBOT
Pattern by Alfred Wong
Casting by M...

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AVATAR Weapons from WETA

We all know ILM… and Kerner Optical… and others that do stand out work, but all the new blockbuster movies include our friends from New Zealand…. WETA! Here are some renderings of the weapons used in AVATAR that were designed and built for use by WETA.


To view more about WETA, visit their site by clicking on the banner below…


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AVATAR’s CG War Vehicles

I was so impressed with AVATAR’s story, and CG effects! Director James Cameron completely had NEW technology developed (that he paid for out of his own pocket) in order to bring this amazing movie to life! And LIFE it certainly displayed in all it’s CG beauty! The fantastic Navi people were extremely well done, and even more specific to this Gallery’s interests were the CG War Vehicles used. Some of these were based on actual new technology for flight! The opposite spinning rotors sitting on top of one another within their also rotatable circled cages is especially notable since that is the latest, and fastest technology for Helo flight today...

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