Valkyrie Deep Space Shuttle tagged posts

KIT ALERT! AVATAR 1:288 Valkyrie Deep Space Shuttle from Fantastic Plastic

Kit Alert
Valkyrie Deep Space Shuttle
Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models
Scale: 1:288
Material: Resin
Number of Pieces: 29
Price: $110
Shipping: $9 USA | $17 International
Available: NOW
Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Money Order
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The Avatar Valkyrie SSTO-TAV-37 B-class shuttlecraft is a massive trans-atmospheric craft used to shuttle men, equipment, supplies and ore between starships and the surface of the alien moon Pandora. More than 100 meters long, the Valkyrie has moveable jets that allow it to take off and land vertically as well maneuver at very low speeds. Its massive cargo bay can hold up to 60 troops, 25 AMP suits and 25 tons of supplies.

Length: 14.5″
Decals by JBOT
Pattern by Alfred Wong
Casting by M...

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