Category Stealth Selections

COLLECTION WARS! Episode 4: Kurt Kuhn – The Man Behind Modeler Magic

Welcome back to COLLECTION WARS! This was shown on March 11, 2021.

In this episode we interview Kurt Kuhn, the founder of

Kurt has inspired sci-fi fans around the world with his amazing passion towards preserving the the art of Studio Scale Modeling. Kurt’s passion for movie models extends from Star Was, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and beyond. Kurt has dedicated the last few decades to bringing collectors, artists, and fans to his amazing website for an all inclusive experience that allows fans to reconnect with ships and models they love.

Kurt Kuhn has bee instrumental in keeping the Studio Scale art form alive through his own passion...

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1:72 EDI-UCAV Kit

(Pricing is Subject to Change by Kit Seller)

$85 USD

Plus Shipping

Kit Scale: 1/72 (9 Inches!)

Kit Materials: Resin

Shipping Amount: Calculated Upon Location

Shipping: World-Wide

Kit Availability: NOW

Payment Methods Accepted:SEE SITE ELECTRONIC CHECKOUT (Modeler Magic always recommends using PAYMENT OPTIONS such as PAYPAL, eBay or MERCARI for BOTH Purchaser and Seller Protection.)

Kit Description: The finished model is 9.0″ inches long and is in scale with our 1:72 FA-37 Talon swing-wing fighter from the same movie. Mastered and cast exclusively for Fantastic Plastic Models by Anigrand Craftswork (Hong Kong)!

This all-resin kit includes:

  • 27 pressure-cast resin pieces
  • Clear resin canopy
  • Landing gear
  • Full decal sheet (Designed by JBOT...
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KIT ALERT! 1:6 STEALTH Captain Carla Wade Figure from Finisher’s LTD





Captain Carla Wade

“1/6 Figure”

*Kit Size: 1/6 IMG_1377

*Kit Producer: Finisher’s Ltd.

*Kit Materials: Resin

*Kit Parts: 8

*Kit Price: 8,000 Yen

*Shipping Amount: Approximately 2,000 Yen – Air Mail

*Shipping: Worldwide

*Kit Availability Date: Now

*Payment Methods: PayPal

*PayPal E-Mail Address:

*Kit Description: This highly detailed kit of Captain Carla Wade is a limited production of FIVE only!!!


Tokyo Japan

To contact the KIT PRODUCER direct, please click the CONTACT KIT PRODUCER link below.








Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time...

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Berton Pierce’s SENSE OF SCALE – A Documentary Film of Industry Model Making


This documentary is about the dying art of model making. Focusing on the personal stories of the model makers whose work shaped and enhanced the impact of feature films and gave it a breathtaking scale. Their practical hands on art is now slowly dying out, giving way to computer generated imagery.

The model makers share their experiences along with personal insights and behind the scenes views from films they worked on. Included are some of the best and well known model makers worldwide. The films on which they have worked include; STAR WARS, STAR TREK, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, GHOSTBUSTERS, JAMES BOND GOLDENEYE, ARMAGEDDON, MOON, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, CITY OF LOST CHILDREN, 1941, STARSHIP TROOPERS, UNDERWORLD, WATERWORLD, GODZILLA, TITANIC!

Berton Pierce directed Sense of Scale, his first featu...

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KIT ALERT! 1:72 STEALTH EDI-UCAV from Fantastic Plastic

Kit Alert
EDI-UCAV from “Stealth”
Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models
Scale: 1:72
Material: Resin
Number of Pieces: 24
Price: $98
Shipping: $6.50 USA | $12 International (Approx)
Available: NOW
Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Money Order
PayPal Address:

The EDI (Extreme Deep Invader) UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) was developed as an adjunct to the FA-37 Talon program. A “next generation” combat aircraft, it has an artificial intelligence system that allows it to operate without a human controller. So advanced are its sensors that it can identify a human target by fingerprints, voice print or facial recognition.

The EDI has V/STOL capabilities, which makes it perfect for carrier operations...

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“STEALTH” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Soon after the original EDI had destroyed itself, and the superiority of the new FA-37 Talons were demonstrated, it was decided that more Talon’s would be made… along with another, less complicated version of the EDI to always fly along side them for ultra dangerous mission capability. Flying well past mach 1, Marine Captain Belic unleashes the power of his new beast… a newly off the line Talon with his name on the side. Following close on his 5 o’clock was the new EDI. Taking it down to the hard deck, and pushing his throttle forward, the captain notices the EDI is following without even the slightest issue. “Let’s see how this mechanical beast does over the ocean?” He thinks to himself… pushing his throttle even further forward…. “No machine is going to out-fly me!”.

To view the p...

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Stealth Talon built by Petar Belic

Built from the most excellent Fantastic Plastic kit, professional modeler Petar Belic (of Studio Starforge) really did this piece justice! I cannot help but to continue to come back to it to view! It is stunning! This is only the first piece we will be showing of this talented artist. We hope to show many more! An excellent first showing for master modeler Petar Belic of Studio Starforge!

stealth e

stealth a

stealth b

stealth c

stealth d

stealth f

stealth g

stealth h

To contact artist Petar Belic direct, please click HERE. To visit Studio Starforge, the site, please click the banner below…


To PURCHASE this kit, please click the banner link below…


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KIT ALERT!! 1:72 Stealth TALON Kit from Fantastic Plastic

This beautiful piece is one of the most beautiful fighter plane designs I have ever appreciated! From the movie STEALTH, kit maker Fantastic Plastic now brings this kit to YOU!


To purchase this kit, please click on the Fantastic Plastic banner below…


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Stealth EDI Studio Study Model

Photos courtesy of Barry Murray, here is the EDI Studio Study Model they used and studied to make the CG version for the film Stealth.

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Stealth TALON Studio Study Model

Here are some photos of the Talon Studio Study Model they used and studied to make the CG version for the film Stealth.

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