Category OBLIVION Selections

Dae Choi – OBLIVION Sky Tower Diorama

Dae Choi has always shown us amazing, creative displays and dioramas. Today he shows us the fantastic living arrangements as seen in the fantastic science fiction film OBLIVION! I love this!

Dae Choi





Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modelers Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Ve...

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COLLECTION WARS! Episode 4: Kurt Kuhn – The Man Behind Modeler Magic

Welcome back to COLLECTION WARS! This was shown on March 11, 2021.

In this episode we interview Kurt Kuhn, the founder of

Kurt has inspired sci-fi fans around the world with his amazing passion towards preserving the the art of Studio Scale Modeling. Kurt’s passion for movie models extends from Star Was, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and beyond. Kurt has dedicated the last few decades to bringing collectors, artists, and fans to his amazing website for an all inclusive experience that allows fans to reconnect with ships and models they love.

Kurt Kuhn has bee instrumental in keeping the Studio Scale art form alive through his own passion...

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KIT ALERT!! 1:5 (10″ LONG, 6.5″ TALL) DRONE from OBLIVION by Golden Armor




Drone Attacker

Kit Producer: Golden Armor defenderhero5

Kit Scale: 10″ long, 6.5″ tall

TWO Choices available: 1.) closed pod regular and 2.) open pod deluxe

Kit Features: The main body of the DRONE is rotocast for anyone interested in adding lighting features, and it will be large enough to house a controller board and speakers for sound fx, servos, will come with decal sets to match FEATURED DRONES 185 and 166.


1.) The main body (1 part)

2.) 4 gun barrels (4 parts)

3.) eye ring (1 part)

4.) eye lens (1 part)

5.) Decal sheet (1 part)

6.) power core (1 part)

7.) 2 engine nozzles (1 part)

9.) power core cap (1 part)

Price Estimates (pre-order)
Regular KIT $225.00

LASER CUT BASE: $15 (white styrene) apply this onto an MDF base)

Shipping ins...

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SOLD! Cooper 1:20 (Over 15 Inches) “Oblivion” Bubbleship Kit from NICE-N Model Designs


Randy Cooper’s 1:20


Bubble Ship Kit


$325 US

Plus Shipping

Measures 15.5″ long, by 16″ wingspan. It’s fairly easy to build. This wonderful design comes with decals and base. you can build as a land or flight version. The kit comes with 70 parts. This is ONE KIT only that is for sale to make shelf space for larger items coming in.

View these photos of the completed Cooper kit…




To visit the NICE-N Model Designs FaceBook site direct, please click the banner link above.

To contact Steve Neisen direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Steve Neisen



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to ch...

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KIT ALERT!! 1:48 OBLIVION Bubble Ship from Fantastic Plastic




OBLIVION Bubble Ship

*Kit Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models BubbleShipBoxArt-500

*Kit Scale: 1:48

*Kit Materials: Resin, Vacuform, Metal

*Number of Pieces: 41

*Kit Price: $90.00

*Shipping Amount: $10.00 North America, $23.00 worldwide

*Shipping Restrictions: None

*Kit Availability Date: Now

*Payment Methods: Paypal, Check, Money Order

*Kit URL:

*Kit Description:

“Oblivion” (2013) featured mega-star Tom Cruise as a high-tech fix-it man charged with maintaining a fleet of security drones on a post-apocalyptic Earth. His main ride was the “Bubble Ship,” a super-sleek jet helicopter-like vehicle designed by Daniel Simon.
Inspired by both insect anatomy and post-WWII Bell 47 “Whirlybird,” the Bubble Ship could carry two adults and w...

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