eefx tagged posts

“Cylon Pinwheel ATTACK!” Composite Art by Peter Nobel

Using the blue screen photos of the fantastic first generation Studio Scale TOS Cylon Raider (SEEN HERE), master artist Peter Noble created this well known scene we all know from Battlestar Galactica! I LOVE IT!

To view this piece in it’s large size, please click directly on it…


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The Red Jammer – Composite Art by Peter Noble

This beautiful Composite was done by master artist Peter Noble using the blue screen photos of the Studio Red Y-wing (Red Jammer SEEN HERE)  built for the collection. The kit used for the build is from NICE-N Model Designs.

To view this piece in it’s original size, please click directly on it…


For inquiries into NICE-N Model Designs Kits, please click the banner link below…


The Blue Screen Photos were taken with a Canon REBEL XTi by Kurt Kuhn of Kuhn Global Inc. utilizing the industry filming blue screen back drop sold by Please visit their site by clicking their banner below…

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“The Last Run” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

“We’re going in….. we’re going in FULL THROTTLE!… That ought to keep those fighters off our backs!” states new Red 5 Rebel Pilot Luke Skywalker to his left-over wingmen… Biggs Darklighter of Red 3, and Wedge Antillies of Red 2. They have real purpose in this fight as being the very last attack run… and last hope of the Rebel Alliance against the newly Empire designed Death Star. Further more on their plate…. aside from a lone Y-wing Bomber still flying in combat above… this trio of pilots are the only left… and the only being pursued! As they quickly lay on the speed Luke had asked for, they banked into the Death Star trench only to find themselves already being chased by Lord Vader himself as he and his wingmen swoop from above into the trench,…...

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“Blast Them Out!” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

It has been hours since being ordered to fly into this massive asteroid field. And the worst thing is…. the boredom of this bombing run on one of the field’s largest rocks….. with no target at all!’… thinks the over confident Imperial  Bombing Pilot. ‘Never the less’…. he continues thinking, ‘the Rebel scum are here… and we WILL flush them out as ordered!’.

Using the Blue Screen photos (SEEN HERE) of the 1:24 TIE Bomber that was scratch built for the collection, and a screen grab from Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back…. I was able to create this scene.

To view this piece in it’s full size… please click directly on it…


The Blue Screen Photos were taken with a Canon REBEL XTi by Kurt Kuhn of Kuhn Global Inc. utilizing the industry filming blue screen back drop sold by ee...

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