1:24 tagged posts

SOLD!! 1:24 Studio Scale X-wing Red Leader Painted with LED lighting!


$1,100 U.S.

Beautifully built from the fantastically detailed Poseidon Young 1:24 scale kit, RED LEADER is unmistakable to any Star Wars fan! And better yet… not only was this kit mastered by Poseidon, the build was done by Poseidon himself! Quality all around!

Here is what Poseidon has to say of this build that is for sale…

I just finish the painting of my 1:24 Star Wars X-wing kit. I painted it to Red Leader version. I also design a new base for it.

More pictures, please click HERE, HERE and HERE.

Please also contact me if you are interested in purchasing just the kit alone.

Scale : 1:24
Size : 58.42cm(L) x 52.07cm (W) x 10.16cm (H)
Weight : 5kg
Cast by high quality cold resin

Shipping from Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

$85 shipped to the United States / World-wide...

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1:24 McQuarrie CONCEPT X-Wing build by Jason Eaton

Once again we are able to show the great talent this artist produces with his build of the kit (mastered by Richard Long) of the McQuarrie Concept X-Wing! Professional artist Jason Eaton never disappoints with his ‘true to life’ build expressionism. Every piece on this build is beautifully done, and the final paint scheme extremely unique! Truly a masterpiece we have come to expect from this great artist.






















Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is a model builder who has spent the past fourteen years working with Star Wars license holders including Master Replicas, EFX, and Sideshow, creating paint masters and prototypes for many of the studio scale and scaled props, ships, and characters seen in the Star Wars films, and is honored to continue the work in this new era of Star Wars sub...

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NEW UPDATE! 1:24 BSG Antique Viper Kit patterned by Jason Eaton

I received an email a few days ago from professional artist Jason Eaton with some fantastic news! This kit master is now completed and being sent to Mike Salzo of MSLZ22 Models to be cast and released! Jason Eaton really did a fantastic job on this amazing master! Thank you Jason! All I can say is…. COUNT ME IN FOR ONE… or TWO OF THESE!

March 1, 2011


February 18, 2011

Here is an update on this fantastic MSLZ22 Models Kit. Professional Artist Jason Eaton is doing genuis work on the patterns which look to be very close to completion!





February 4, 2011

Every Battlestar Galactica Fan of the original series remembers the episode with the Viper that had the flat wings, and no top engine… The ANTIQUE Viper! Being made for MSLZ22 Models to release as a kit in time for Wonderfest 2011, Hobby an...

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1:24 (30.75 inches) “Mark IX Hawk” Attack Ship by E. James Small

Back again with a fantastic scratch build is known artist E. James Small. Showing today his first scratch build of the studio scale Mark IX Hawk Attack ship, (as seen in the Space 1999 episode “War Games”), it is obvious that this artist is world class talent. I am always amazed of the artwork James releases. Fantastic!

To visit Master Artist James Small’s site, please click on his banner link below…







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NEW Studio Scale X-Wing from Poseidon Young HAS ARRIVED!

When I returned yesterday, I was extremely happy to see a package from Poseidon Young waiting for me on my desk. Of course I opened it immediately! The first thing I noticed was how well packed this kit was. Everything triple wrapped in bubble wrap and clear packing tape…. COMPLETELY sealed. That alone was fantastic, but when removing the bubble wrap, I found each piece professionally heat sealed in it’s own plastic bag! Like it was a mass produced, quality product! Again… I was impressed. THEN I saw the casting quality….. my jaw dropped! I felt as if I were looking at a high quality, styrene injected kit! Every detail crisp and clean. I found little to no bubbles in the parts I opened. I did not open all of them because it would soon be shipped to a professional builder, Mr...

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OUT OF PRODUCTION!! 1:24 Star Wars Studio Scale X-Wing from Atomic City Models




1:24 (Studio Scale) X-Wing Kit

Years ago, after Industrial Light and Magic moved from it’s Southern California location, they left behind boxes that were to be gone through. Famed artist John Eaves found in one of those boxes the pieces of one of the actual screen used PYRO X-Wing models that was blown up as a special effect for 1977’s Star Wars. Slightly different than the HERO models used, this became the ONLY model not in the Lucasfilm Archives which was mastered back to it’s former glory by John Eaves for ICONS… a new Replica company. They cast and sold many to collectors all over the world. Eventually ICONS went out of business, leaving a huge calling for a studio kit to be made...

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SOLD OUT!! Studio Scale Imperial TIE Fighter REPLICA from eFX Collectibles



We are proud to announce the pre-order of our incredible TIE Fighter FX Model. The pre-order period is Monday, October 18, 2010 at 9AM, PDST through November 7, 2010, 11:59 PM PST.  Once again, the edition size will be determined by the pre-order, but will not exceed 1000 pieces worldwide.


The price is US$999 plus shipping and Handling, California state sales tax, if applicable, and duties and taxed levied by the destination country, if are one of our international customers.  There is a $350 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit required at the time you place your pre-order.

We will also offer a 4 payment lay-away plan.

Payment 1: $350 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit at pre-order

Payment 2: $225 when the TIE Fighter is in stock and ready to ship, anticipated Q1-2011


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“B-Wing” – Composite Art by Robert Watson

The master is back with his latest creation he made using the fantastic photos of the 1:24 Daniel Schaffer build (SEEN HERE). Robert Watson has long been one of my own mentors of this type of art form and remains one of the best in my opinion!

To view this piece in it’s original size, please click directly on it…


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1:24 B-Wing by Daniel Schaffer

Built from the molds of the originally known as the Robert Burns kit, which was mastered by professional modeler Alfred Wong, this piece is absolutely beautiful! Master builder Daniel Schaffer has done it again with this latest build of the B-wing we all loved in Star Wars – Return of the Jedi! Every marking more realistic than the last, I have no critique to offer Daniel…. it is as near perfect as it could ever be! Another amazing build fro this artist!


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