Category Event Horizon Selections

Berton Pierce’s SENSE OF SCALE – A Documentary Film of Industry Model Making


This documentary is about the dying art of model making...

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COMING SOON!! Ian Blaza’s – Spaceships of Science Fiction Bookazine!

Magazine Designer Ian Blaza, and Ian Allan Publishing are producing a new publication… Spaceships of Science Fiction! This publication looks fantastic as you can see for yourself with the examples he ...

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Event Horizon DayLight Station Pod Studio Model from the Hector Rosales Collection

Who among us modeling artists don’t recognize the title EVENT HORIZON? I can think of no one. And here today… from the collection of Mr...

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KIT ALERT!! Event Horizon “Lewis & Clark” from Larson Designs



Event Horizon

Lewis & Clark

Kit Producer: Larson Designs / Lunar Models

Kit Scale: 6″ Long

Kit Materials: Resin

Number of Pieces: 20

Kit Price: $50

Shipping Amount: U.S...

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