Karl Southcott tagged posts

Ranger 3 WIP by Steve Carricato for the Karl Southcott Collection

The Ranger 3 from BR in the 25th Century was marvelous. Here is a WIP from artist Steve Carricato for Karl Southcott! I look forward to viewing this completed!

DY-100b DSV 053

DY-100b DSV 052DY-100b DSV 051

DY-100b DSV 050

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Steve Carricato


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Star Trek III Enterprise 1701 by Marc Elkins & Sean Sides from the Karl Southcott Collection

Karl Southcott now owns a beautiful build of what we saw in the beginning of Star Trek III The Search for Spock! The battle damaged Enterprise as it entered the Space Dock to be repaired! These photos are of the starboard side that is rarely remembered as also being damaged in the Mutara Nebula Battle with Khan, yet is was! Famed artist Marc Elkins first built this as a static model from the Polar Lights kit. When Karl Southcott purchased it from him, the piece went to another famed artist, Sean Sides, to be made into the battle damaged beauty! Some great work by amazing artists for a fantastic collection!



To contact this artist direct, please click the banner link above.

Marc Elkins

Las Vegas, NV.


To visit the Square Models site direct, please click the banner link above.

To conta...

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NASA HL-10 by Steve Carricato for the Karl Southcott Collection

Artist Steve Carricato has returned with this possible kit, derived form his restoration of an HL-10 model for the Karl Southcott Collection!

I just finished the Prototype of the 6 million dollar man spacecraft. The one you see is a model from someone who scratch built in 1975….years ago! Karl Southcott had me commission a new kit which I am scratch building for him. Then once done I will mass produce the kit once I have finished one for him. He had a friend whose father actually worked on the real HL-10 lifting body for NASA .  It’s been his father’s model for years until he passed on. So Karl had me restore it back to its original look. He gave it to me in pieces, so I restored it by completely rebuilding it and painting it as it was originally...

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CE3K “Puck” by Stephen Kundrat for the Karl Southcott Collection

Close Encounters of the Third Kind was one of those fantastic films that inspired the ways of film making today! Stephen Kundrat did a magnificent job in creating one of the aliens seen toward the ending of that film… “Puck”. It is speculated that “Puck” was Richard Dreyfuss’s character transformed for space travel… especially after Steven Spielberg released his “Director’s Cut” showing Dreyfuss getting some sort of shining light showered upon him from within the alien vessel just before “Puck” emerges from the ship to signal Francois Truffaut the infamous sign language for the 5 musical notes we all know so well from the film. My babble of the film aside…. THIS sculpt of “Puck” is fantastic… and graces the Karl Southcott Collection.





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USS Whittington by Jeff Pollizzotto for the Karl Southcott Collection

Out of the hands of famed artist Jeff Pollizzotto and into the known collection of Mr. Karl Southcott this fantastic piece has gone! And what a magnificent piece it is!

Built from the SFSM vacuum form kit, this build was a collaboration between Karl and myself to do something a little different to the standard Stargazer ship. As much as I like the Stargazer design (it’s a love/hate relationship for many fans) I felt it needed some upgrades to improve the basic design.

Always a question in my mind was: Why is there no forward deflector dish? Most other Trek ships are equipped with one so I had to add it. The logical (sorry) location is at the front of the saucer so out came the hanger bay and in went the dish. A big improvement.

The other area that I wanted to change were in the engine nace...

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Galaxy Quest Shuttle by Brad Dillon from the Karl Southcott Collection

One of the collections we show is that of known Radio Personality Karl Southcott! Shown here today is his most recent made piece… the Galaxy Quest Shuttle! Simple in form to the eye… it’s shape is a very difficult accomplishment! More so than most viewers realize. It is beautiful to behold, and very well done by artist Brad Dillon.









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USS Southcott built by Brad Dillon for the Karl Southcott Collection

The Oberth Class Starship….. one that we mainly remember from Star Trek III – The Search For Spock. Here today is this wonderful build artist Brad Dillon did for known collector Karl Southcott. Brad did something special with this ship in actually naming it  after Karl as a surprise to him. It is a beautiful piece created from the WARP Models kit.

To contact Brad Dillon direct for his professional services, please click HERE.

To visit his site, please click on his banner below…









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Battle Beyond the Stars “NELL” – Sculpted by Stephen Kundrat of Haunted Pen Studio


I have the great pleasure of introducing another great talent to this Gallery… artist Stephen Kundrat of Haunted Pen Studio! Commissioned by known collector, and Radio Personality Karl Southcott, Stephen did amazing work on this rare piece from James Cameron and Roger Corman’s Battle Beyond the Stars! Even though the film was thought of as a flop, this design of vessel is what everyone remembers best of that film. I even believe that Cameron may be remaking this film the way he thought it should have been made to begin with! The hero ship model “Nell” that you see here is such a rare design to find anywhere and this may be one of the few now in existence today...

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HMS Bounty – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

After viewing Richard Long’s build photos of the HMS Bounty BOP for Karl Southcott, I simply had to take it into the scene itself. My apologies to Trek Fans as I know that when the Bird of Prey landed on Vulcan at the end of Star Trek 3 – The Search for Spock, it did not yet have the HMS Bounty painted on it’s side to view. Never the less… this is the scene I had in my mind. I hope you enjoy it.

To view the actual finished build by Richard Long, please click HERE!

To view this piece in it’s original HIGH DEFINITION size, please click directly on it.


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Star Trek IV HMS BOUNTY BOP By Richard Long for the Karl Southcott Collection

This is one of my favorite wing positions for the Klingon Bird of Prey! When we first saw the wings move up in the landing position  at the end of Star Trek 3, I haven’t been able to get the look out of my head! And so it is the same for Collector Karl Southcott with his commission of the Star Trek IV HMS Bounty masterfully built by industry artist Richard Long! This piece is beautiful from its’ fantastic paint job down to the base with the lighting facing upward toward the landed Bird of Prey. It very much has the look of the studio model shown on Vulcan! BEAUTIFUL job by Richard Long! Karl has another winning piece in his collection!

To visit Richard Long’s site, and to contact him direct, please click on his banner below…










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