Jason Eaton tagged posts

“Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making” all day class at Jerseyfest Academy


The above model was beautifully built by artist Jason Eaton!

There is still time to register for the “Advanced Sci-Fi Vehicle Model Making” all day class at Jerseyfest Academy on September 13th. Here is some more info on what will be covered, plus how to register:

Jason Eaton
“I plan to go over the ideas and solutions to lighting or adding a little dynamic motion to models. I’ll show examples with lights in engines, cockpits, and navigation lighting. The Blade Runner Blimp was a much more intensive lighting and video challenge, so I’ll show how that was accomplished, what hurdles were encountered along the way, and how you can use third party vendors to get what you need, if your skill set doesn’t get you to where you want to go...

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FULLY OPERATIONAL Probe Droid by Jason Eaton

This is the piece of the day! Even famed artist Jason Eaton stated to me that he is extremely proud of this build he just completed! The Probe Droid as seen in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back! This piece has a turning head, full lighting and sound.. with even weapon “blaster” light and sound effects!! Outstanding! The best I have ever seen outside of a studio! A brilliant build by Jason Eaton!

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.



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Introducing TITAN Models & Memorabilia

Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic is honored to announce TITAN Models & Memorabilia!… A new company launch within the art form that will enhance everything we know! And they want to make what YOU want! Check out what TITAN M&M has to offer!!



As a leading producer of accurate replica model kits, we take pride in offering the most desired ships in the science fiction universe. We are dedicated to producing the finest kits, and we have the experience and knowledge to do it.

Our team is composed of industry leaders that have been in this business for decades, as well as the business minds to keep customer service as our #1 priority.

We will make the kits that YOU want, and we will deliver them as promised.

Also, the manager of Titan is a Christian, and as such my faith mandates t...

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CAPRICOM – A Rag Tag Fleet Custom Build by Jason Eaton

I remember when Jason first started this fantastic custom build. I was in awe then just as I am now in viewing the completed piece! It fits right in with the Battlestar Galactica universe we all know and love! Jason is a world class in this industry.. and it shows with every build he produces.







Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is a model builder who has spent the past fourteen years working with Star Wars license holders including Master Replicas, EFX, and Sideshow, creating paint masters and prototypes for many of the studio scale and scaled props, ships, and characters seen in the Star Wars films, and is honored to continue the work in this new era of Star Wars subjects...

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Blade Runner BLIMP scratch build by Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is one of those artist’s names that is known for quality. This is no different as one looks into the masterful creative abilities he is displaying in is creation of the Off World  Advertising Blimp we all viewed in Blade Runner! This piece is magnificent with all it’s lighting… and even an LED screen that has the exact same video playing upon it as the original did. This is a masterpiece of genius.




Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is a model builder who has spent the past fourteen years working with Star Wars license holders including Master Replicas, EFX, and Sideshow, creating paint masters and prototypes for many of the studio scale and scaled props, ships, and characters seen in the Star Wars films, and is honored to continue the work in this new era of Star Wars subjects...

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31 Inch Viper by Jason Eaton now in the Collection of Hector Rosales


We all know not very many of these 31 inch Vipers exist. Formerly a kit offered by MSLZ22 Models, famed artist Jason Eaton has now sold his fantastic build to Collector Hector Rosales! As you can see… the smile of Hectors face tells it all! This piece is beautiful, from the main kit, to the fantastic custom electronic additions and finish by Jason. Simply fantastic! To view more on this piece, click HERE! Congratulations to Hector for his excellent collection addition!

…Here is the piece displayed among Hector’s Collection…












Click on the animated GIF below to view the screen inside the cockpit in action!


Jason Eaton

Jason Eaton is a model builder who has spent the past fourteen years working with Star Wars license holders including Master Replicas...

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SOLD!! HUGE at 31 inches!! 1:12 Colonial Viper by Jason Eaton





$2,500 U.S.

Plus Custom Crating and Freight Shipping.

31 inches HUGE at 1:12 Scale!!

Built by famed Artist


Sitting at approximately 20 pounds, this was built with a metal armature, sturdy resin and epoxy construction!

This is a severely modified 1:12th Viper patterned by the very talented Mike Salzo. I backdated the design a bit to fit into the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica scheme, imagining it to be a “Mark 1” design...
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Maschinen Krieger Tornado – Winter Version by Jason Eaton

Another fantastic Ma.K. build by industry famed artist Jason Eaton. Jason’s attention to fine details of these pieces is amazing! I would very much like to show more in this category. Fantastic work by Jason!

Here is what Jason has to say of this build…

This is the 1/20th scale Rainbow Egg kit of the Tornado, Designed by Kow Yokoyama, as seen in the mid 1980s in SF3D articles published by Hobby Japan. Made from resin, wires, and tubing, the Tornado is a funky design, not often seen in Maschinen Krieger collections. This was a lot of fun to make, as I modified it to be a “Winter version” of the Tornado!

Instead of the original gun, I have placed two missile tubes on the chassis, and added a “bump out” behind the pilot’s seat...

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Studio Scale Empire Strikes Back AT-ST built by Jason Eaton

Built for a client back in 2010 to resemble the actual stop motion filming model used in Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back, famed artist Jason Eaton again shows us a build that truly lets one know why he is one of the world’s finest model artists today. This piece is fantastic from it’s positioning… to it’s perfectly weathered paint job! A beautiful replica!

Here is what Jason has to say of this piece…

This is a pretty dang accurate recreation I made of the stop-motion AT-ST from The Empire Strikes Back for a client in 2010. This model, as it exists today, is stripped down to almost nothing – the remnants of the details on the head, the metal armature, and the remnants of the feet...

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Battlestar Galactica Advanced Cylon Raider by Jason Eaton

I thought the first Cylon Raider was fantastic that was designed for the 2003 series Battlestar Galactica, but then a few seasons later they made an “Advanced” Raider…. and it is even more sleek and aggressive looking than it’s predecessor!  Showing his build of that fighter today is world class modeler Jason Eaton. And he did this piece exactly the usual world class justice that he normally shows in his amazing builds. Beautiful!

This is what Jason has to say of this piece…

This is the gorgeous 1:24 Advanced Cylon Raider from Battlestar Galactica, which was offered by Bad Azz Models. This model has been made in the same scale as the original series’ Viper model, so people have agreed that the new series models made in 1:24th scale can be referred to as “Studio Scale”...

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