As stated in October 2007, and again in December 2012: This 41 inch model was mastered by Richard Long in 2005-2006. This was the very first cast kit from his patterns. Though it was the first cast in the world of this model kit, it was the third to be built and finished. The first two (Casts #002 and #003) were built and finished by ILM artist John Eblan, under his company banner of “The FX Company”.
What a story this model has… and now, with it’s complete re-build by artist Dan Grumeretz, I hope this to be it’s final representation as a part of the Albert Siow Collection.
As the story goes: The first Kuhn Global build, using Cast #001 (which I refer to as “Incarnation #001), was first painted in 2007 to replicate the USS Enterprise we viewed in Star Trek: Nemesis...
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