Category Firefly / Serenity Selections

COMING SOON!! Ian Blaza’s – Spaceships of Science Fiction Bookazine!

Magazine Designer Ian Blaza, and Ian Allan Publishing are producing a new publication… Spaceships of Science Fiction! This publication looks fantastic as you can see for yourself with the examples he emailed me to show here on Modeler Magic!

I have attached some sample spreads of the Spaceships of Science fiction publication with a brief synopsis.

Synopsis: For over a century cinema goers have been enthralled by films looking into the future and the endless possibilities of space travel. Spaceships of Science Fiction takes a nostalgic look at iconic spacecraft and cult classics from the world of TV and film.

Starting with an in depth history of the genre,  the Spaceships of Science Fiction will then focus on a selection of spaceships from early films such as The Forbidden Planet and War of...

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8 Inch Serenity – Serenity Little Damn Heroes Maquette #6 from QMX




Little Damn Heroes Maquette

QMx LDH Serenity-1



Plus Shipping


One of science fiction’s most beloved spaceships isn’t a gargantuan battlecruiser or a sleek starship cruising the galaxies. It’s the workhorse Firefly-class transport, well past her prime with hardly a peashooter to defend herself, named Serenity.
QMx has recreated Serenity in 1:400 scale – about 8 inches long – out of  dozens of parts, some as small as a millimeter. Her intricate design matches the Firefly TV series version of the ship in every detail: She was created using the show’s actual CG files.
Dubbed the 10th Big Damn Hero by Joss Whedon, we knew our Little Damn Heroes™wouldn’t be complete with out her.

Our Little Damn Heroes™ Serenity Maquette comes with a sl...

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Little Damn HEROES by Mohammad F. Haque for QMX


I absolutely love what Quantum Mechanix is doing with their Firefly/Serenity License! Here again are more great creations,.. these two Animated Maquette’s by master sculpting artist Mohammad F. Haque of both characters Wash.. and River!


NOVEMBER 15, 2010 AT 1 P.M. EST

Expected Ship Date: December 6*

To visit QMX to purchase either of these on their release date of

November 15, 2010… please click their DRAWING links below…

Wash and His Tiny, Tiny Dinos are On Their Way!






Little River Will Kill Them With Her Brain (and Cuteness!)






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Serenity Architectural Cutaway Set from QMx

Three years in the making, the Serenity Architectural Cutaways contain everything you ever wanted to know or see of Serenity, her shuttles and the Flying Mule. And we mean everything. The cutaways are presented on four extra-large, 32″ x 24” full-color lithographs, suitable for framing or just drooling over hour after hour. The hand-painted cutaways are packed with literally thousands of never-before-seen elements of the Firefly-class transport’s design.


Watch this YouTube video to learn all about the painstakingly detailed process creator John R. Mullaney went through to create the Serenity Cutaways…

To visit the QMX Site to purchase this excellent artwork, please click on the banner link below…


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COLLECTOR ALERT!! MF-813 Flying Mule Replica from QMX


To view more of this piece, pr for purchasing options, please click the banner link below…


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River Tam – Big Damn Heroes Animated Maquette #1 from QMX

QMX has done it again with this FANTASTIC release of River Tam from the movie Serenity! Captured in perfect stance and character by artist Mohammad F. Haque!

To purchase this piece, please click on the QMX Banner below…



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“Leaf on the Wind” – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

Making the best of things he has to use, Capt. Mal Reynolds decides to use the Reaver‘s, and their massive attack force to distract the also massive Alliance forces awaiting them above the planet Miranda…. who secrets MUST stay intact according to Alliance Officials. Needless to say… the Alliance blockade now has it’s hand full with the very hungry Reaver‘s, leaving Wash (Serenity’s Pilot) to float right through the cannibalistic mess with his usual professional flight skill. As they manage to ‘crash’ safely on Miranda, due to Wash’s piloting skills…. he manages to get some satisfaction from his landing with the last words he would ever speak…. “I am a Leaf on the Wind”.

Using QMX’s own photos (Seen HERE) of the fantastic piece they are offering to collectors, as well as a screen c...

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COMING SOON!!! (13 inch!!) Serenity’s MF-813 Flying Mule from QMx

With Serenity now safely on her way through The Black to Browncoats everywhere, it’s high time we talk about our next replica: The MF-813 Flying Mule.


For our second Firefly/Serenity vehicle, we wanted to deliver to you the expert craftsmanship you’ve come to expect from our studio-scale works. And who better to make your Mule exactly the way you want it than you? That’s right, our Flying Mule replica will be the first authorized, pre-painted replica kit from The Verse. Every part is hand-painted resin and keyed so it can only fit in one place. All you need is a little glue and about a half hour and you can build your very own Flying Mule.

The Mule replica was designed by the same team that created our Serenity, and you’ll notice in the gallery below the same attention to de...

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COLLECTOR ALERT!! Serenity Takes Flight by QMX

Transmit Date: 25.02.2010

Serenity Takes Flight


Earlier shown HERE, this masterpiece that was originally mastered by professional modeler Kip Hart is ready to go! This is what QMX has to say of this masterpiece they now offer!


It was a long time coming, but I’m very happy to announce the first Serenity left the hanger earlier this week and is on her way to her new owner.

We thought on this happy occasion, we should share some new pics of our girl and a nice little video we created showing off the “Hard Burn” effect and the reactor “throb”. Lots and lots of time and effort have gone into getting her just right...

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SERENITY built by Chris Dobinson

Built as his own one off, master modeler Chris Dobinson did beautiful work bringing this outlaw vessel to life! His use of colors and weathering is perfect for this model! Another beautiful build by modeler Chris Dobinson!

Serenity 051-sized

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