Category Invaders Selections

KIT ALERT! 1:48 (10 Inch!!) Invaders Flying Saucer!! By Mike Makkreel (2023 Update)




Kit: $350 USD Plus Shipping

Fully Built: $3000 USD Plus Shipping

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The David Romano AMAZING Collection! – Part 1

I have two more rooms with models in them aside from what we are showing here today. The large TU 95, SR -71, and B-2 were built by modelers at Wright-Patterson AFB for early laser research. I purchased them from the spouses of Air Force Engineers who had passed away, and the models were in horrendous shape, requiring untold hours of filling, sanding, painting, and detail work. The wingspans of the B2 and TU 95 are almost 60 inches! Some are die cast, some commissioned, some built by myself, many one of a kind ( the Anaconda APC is all metal commissioned from 5 CGI internet shots. It is 32″ long). The oldest models are 40 years old. There are more to come…
Take Care,
David Romano

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The Invaders Saucer Filming Miniature – Information Provided by Tom Strong

Below is the only known photo (thus far) of The Invaders filming miniature, shown here courtesy of Tom Strong…. via Mike Makkreel

The following information was also collected by Tom. Much of it comes from the actual people involved in the creation of the saucer, and who were interviewed in the 90’s. That information has been cross-referenced with those involved who are still surviving, and would appear to be the most accurate picture of the creation of the filming model.:
The 4-foot Invaders saucer studio model was made by Production Models Shop, the same people responsible for making the original Star Trek 11 ft. Enterprise model.
Filming was done by the Howard Anderson Co., the firm which also did the special effects for The Invaders series.
Volmer Jensen may have been the modelmaker fo...

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George Day… Receives & Praises the 10 Inch Invaders Saucer by Mike Makkreel

This photo states it all!

Invaders Custom built model..
I am in my late 50’s, and I grew up with the sci-fi movies of that era and before. My favorites were always the space movies: (Day the Earth Stood Still, This Island Earth, Forbidden Planet). I never outgrew my penchant for these movies. Television also had its impact. Just within the past few years, I started getting into model collecting. I am from the day when you bought a plastic kit and Testor paints and added decals. I started going online-particularly U-Tube, and discovered the market of sight and sound models with all the bells and whistles. This is where I first encountered the precision models of Mike Makkreel back in December 2016.

I had seen his U-Tube video showing his workmanship on building a “The Invaders” saucer f...

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Mike Makkreel’s INVADERS UFO at MUFON

MUFON Photographer Monte Earwood took this photo of Ancient Alien Theorist and Author famed David Childress admiring Mike Makkreel’s “Invdaers” UFO at the 2016 MUFON Convention a short time ago.


Mike Makkreel

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.




Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time. Modeler Magic is not responsible for maintaining the prices in accordance to the changes made by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist.

Professional Customer Service and Quality Control are the responsibility of the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist selling the item of which...

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SOLD!! INVADERS 7 Inch Saucer Diorama #2 by Mike Makkreel


Mike Makkreel



$1,200 USD

Plus Shipping

Here a few photos for the 7″ Invader Ship. I have made two like it… One of which has sold.

Here the break down as to the building of the model…

I have corrected the scale of the upper saucer and added two extra window ports, making them thinner, and the spaces smaller. Re scaling the main window as well, making that smaller too and adding a space between the two… I have added a control room with three men inside , with blinking lights on the wall, and invaders decal kit, for the invaders interior doors.

Engine port is re scaled like the studio model, main engine vent edge lip is longer.. and a hatch on the bottom that will glow from the control room.. you can look up and see the control room.

The li...

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SOLD!! INVADERS 7 Inch Saucer Diorama #1 by Mike Makkreel

Here a few photos for the 7″ Invader Ship. I have made two like it… One of which is up for sale now on Ebay … starting bid $800.00

Here the break down as to the building of the model…

I have corrected the scale of the upper saucer and added two extra window ports, making them thinner, and the spaces smaller. Re scaling the main window as well, making that smaller too and adding a space between the two… I have added a control room with three men inside , with blinking lights on the wall, and invaders decal kit, for the invaders interior doors.

Engine port is re scaled like the studio model, main engine vent edge lip is longer.. and a hatch on the bottom that will glow from the control room.. you can look up and see the control room.

The lights are the big deal here, and ...

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10 Inch INVADERS Flying Saucer from Mike Makkreel

The Invaders Flying Saucer has always been a favorite of mine. Here is one from Mike Makkreel!

Mike Makkreel

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.




Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time. Modeler Magic is not responsible for maintaining the prices in accordance to the changes made by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist.

Professional Customer Service and Quality Control are the responsibility of the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist selling the item of which Modeler Magic is only showing for them.

Modeler’s Miniatures and Magic has no professional or ...

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Invaders Saucer by Mike Makkreel

Who doesn’t remember this… the Invaders saucer! This diorama is beautiful by artist Mike Makkreel! He even added the fantastic sound effects!

A 003

A 004

A 005

A 010

A 001

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