Category SD Studios – Stephen Dymszo

SD Studios – SPACE ANGEL – 20 Inch! Starduster

So, if you are super old like me, you will remember a show from the sixties called “Space Angel”.

Anyone?.. Anyone?.. Bueller?

I always thought his ship, the Starduster…was a neat looking thing. Oddly, Fantastic Plastic makes a resin kit of this, but it is only 8″ long. If I ever made a replica, it would have to be around 18″ to 20″ long. In back of my head, I said I should make a model of this…eventually. This is not normally a project I would have prioritized, but given the current circumstances and free time available…

Well… ya know.

I found screen grabs on Google and I blew one up to 20″ long and traced the pattern so I could get all of the proportions correct. Obviously, it looks completely different from shot to shot, ’cause that’s how they rolled in the sixties...

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SD Studios – Steve Dymszo’s Studio Scale DeAgostini Millennium Falcon

So this is the DeAgostini kit with about 150 replacement parts. I used parts from Shapeways and original model kit parts to replace some of the kit. I also added about 30 missing parts that we didn’t catch on the MR version, because they had fallen off before we got to them. I also removed all of the molded screws and used real screws across the surface of the model. The paint job took about 120 hours and there’s probably about 250 hours in the build. I also added about 50 ultra-bright LEDs to the engine and it is blinding! The cockpit cone is a Shapeways replacement, because the kit cone was really bad. I worked with the factory to try to fix it but they just messed it up more, so I gave up...

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DeAgostini Model Space: Steve Dymszo on the STAR WARS X-WING MODEL


Steve Dymszo

on the



Following his popular Millennium Falcon paint guide videos, professional Model Maker Steve Dymszo has returned to share his insight and thoughts on our 1:18 scale X-wing model providing details on the design, history, and evolution of the X-wings used throughout the Star Wars cinematic universe!

To view more on this KIT, or to ORDER NOW, please click the VIEW MORE Button Link below…



SD Studios


Stephen Dymszo



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time...

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Karl Tate’s ROUND 2 Space 1999 Eagle Transporter by Stephen Dymszo

I built three of these… One for myself and two for customers.

One of those customers was Karl Tate, who is also our company’s graphics manager and is extremely knowledgeable about the original Eagle filming miniatures. He prepared an extensive specifications document with lots of notes and diagrams for me to follow. He also drew all of the custom graphics, as we replaced most of the kit decals with custom dry transfers from All-Out Graphics in Canada.

We also recreated the complex line patterns on the side of the passenger pods with dry transfers, as masking and painting these lines would have been extremely tedious and would not have resulted in the clean/ sharp lines produced by the dry transfers...

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Round 2 (22 Inch!) Space 1999 Eagle built by Stephen Dymszo and Photos by Karl Tate

Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! This is shown with the accurate landing pad graphic, which is sold currently! (Click HERE to purchase one for your own Round 2 Eagle build!).

Steve put 150 hours of work into the Eagle, with much time spent removing seam lines and fixing other defects in the kit. The complex and subtle weathering was also time-consuming, but the reward is a beautiful half-scale representation of the show’s hero 44-inch Eagle miniatures.

The show’s three hero Eagle miniatures were repainted several times during the show’s two seasons, and they rarely look the same from shot to shot. These specific markings and gray panels covering the Eagle were designed by me after weeks of research, and printed as dry transfer sheets (so that Steve would not go crazy placing them all!).

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OUT OF PRODUCTION!! Space 1999 Landing Pad Graphic from SD Studios


SD Studios


Space 1999

Landing Pad Platform Graphic



This HAD Included Shipping within USA

This super-high-quality 25″ x 12″ print represents a section of the launch pad platform seen in the show. Artwork drawn by professional graphics artist, Karl Tate. Screen grabs from the early first season were carefully rectified and detail panels and markings were drawn accurately from the reference material. We went through numerous revisions by several people and incorporated lots of “tweaks” to make sure we nailed all of the tiny details. The final drawing was then altered in Photoshop to fade, alter, and chip the various panels and lines to create a “photo-realistic” image.

This looks just like you took a high-rez picture of the actual set… ...

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TWO Atomic City Studio Scale ORION Space Planes – Built by Steve Dymszo, Photographed by’s Karl Tate

I have been a long-time customer of Atomic City’s since the 1990s and love his kits! I assisted Scott a bit with this particular project last year and per our agreement, I received kits #1 and #2 in October 2015. With my feedback, he has been able to make some improvements to the production kits as well. Fortunately, Scott was very receptive to my input. The kit is a 1:1 scale recreation of the original filming miniature and measures in at a whopping 43-inches long, with a 21.5-inch wingspan!

So…I have spent the last five months working on them. I built one for myself and one for a customer, Karl Tate...

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FINAL SEGMENT!! DeAgostini Model Space “BUILD THE FALCON” by SD Studios.. Stephen Dymszo

BIG Thanks to Stephen Dymszo for showing this great tutorial on re-painting the DeAgostini Falcon to be like the studio model! Great work Steve!


SD Studios

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Stephen Dymszo



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time. Modeler Magic is not responsible for maintaining the prices in accordance to the changes made by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist.

Professional Customer Service and Quality Control are the responsibility of the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist selling the item of which Modeler Magic is only showing fo...

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Part 3 – Painting the De Agostini Millennium Falcon Scale Model with Steve Dymszo

Part 3 of the Paint the Millennium Falcon series with Steve Dymszo. De Agostini Build the Millennium Falcon 1:1 scale model replica.


SD Studios

To contact this artist direct, please click the CONTACT ARTIST link below.


Stephen Dymszo



Statements made, or views expressed may NOT be the views of Modeler’s Miniatures & Magic

Pricing and Availability are subject to change by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist at any time. Modeler Magic is not responsible for maintaining the prices in accordance to the changes made by the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist.

Professional Customer Service and Quality Control are the responsibility of the Kit Maker/Vendor or Artist selling the item of which Modeler Magic is only showing for them.


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PART 2 – Painting the DeAgostini Millennium Falcon Scale Model with Steve Dymszo

In Part 2 of the series Steve shares his tips and details on beginning the painting process for the De Agostini Millennium Falcon 1:1 scale model replica!! I love this!! Thank you Steve!!

The first image is what the model looked like after I separated all of the broken parts that were just loosely hanging together. It was pretty badly damaged in shipping from HK to the UK to the USA. The SLA resin is pretty brittle and shatters like glass when hit. So there were lots of cracks to re-glue and reinforce. In many places, when the resin broke, lots of little chips spalled from the edges, so that all had to be re-sculpted.

The lighting electronics also had to be completely rewired with new switches and internal battery pack (The prototype came to me with a big battery pack strapped on the und...

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