Rust II Rust – Marko Osterholz tagged posts

Colonial War Machine – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

I was combing through the site recently, coming upon this oldie, but goody from 1/1/2011… and I decided to bump it to the front page.
Kurt Kuhn


The Colonial War Machine was stronger than ever, holding off decades of Cylon attacks and protecting it’s twelve Colonies. During an intense Cruise along the outer rim of claimed Cylon Space, a fleet of three Battlestars are suspiciously called home. They had been ramming heads with 12 different Cylon Basestars for the past 3 months. Even though they had dealt the Cylons extreme damage to most of those Basestars, and destroying at least three of them, they suddenly found themselves staring at only debris fields remaining upon the shift of the new day. The Cylons had pulled away, VANISHED!, going back into their claimed space...

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1:4105 “Battle Damaged” BG-75 by Marko Osterholz

Using teh amazing CG Renders of the actual battle damaged Galactica used in the show (SEEN HERE), famed artist Marko Osterholz matched the CG model mark for mark…making the final display something fantastic to view. Enjoy the detail that Marko placed into this piece… as well as a video showing it up close! Fantastic work as usual from this artist.

To visit Marko’s site regarding this fantastic piece, please click his banner below…


To purchase this kit, please click on the MOEBIUS banner below…


To view these photos in their large size, please click directly on them.






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SOLD! 1:4105 Scratch Built Battlestar Galactica by Marko Osterholz

January 13, 2011

This fantastic piece has been sold to a very lucky Collector in Hong Kong!

December 21, 2010

Custom built to go along side the other kits of this size, professional modeler Marko Osterholz spared no detail. This piece literally looks like the 6 foot filming model! I am completely impressed with Marko’s work on this! And whomever is lucky enough to actually get this piece in their collection will be as well! This piece is as good as it gets before spending 10 to 20 thousand dollars (and up) for a Studio Scale Battlestar!

Here is what Marko has to say of this fantastic piece for sale…

Dear fellow Sci-fi-modellers & -collectors!

I have finally decided to offer a masterpiece from my collection to the public.

It is a 21...

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