The Legend Begins tagged posts

2264: The Legend Begins – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

KG_JG_TC_DEG_FX_2264-LEGEND-BEGINS_1920X1080To view the above piece in it’s large size, please click directly on it.

2264…. A year that would be full of interesting events surrounding the nearly 20 year old Starship Enterprise. After a few major refits this Enterprise was almost completely new from the ship Captain Robert April passed on to it’s last Commander… Captain Christopher Pike. Now a Fleet Captain, it was time to again pass the Command of the vessel on to new blood. Fresh from his first command of a Destroyer Class vessel, and newly promoted to be the youngest Captain in Starfleet’s history, was Captain James T. Kirk. Known for his ‘unique’ command style, and quick, effective command methods, this new Captain had no idea what lay in front of him and a crew that would follow him to death itself should he require it...

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