Ware tagged posts

6 Foot ENTERPRISE 1701 Refit – Scratch Built by Jason Ware

I am honored today to be able to introduce a builder to this Gallery who has been inspirational to me in his talents, proving that dreams ARE achievable! Professional Photographer, and Model Master Jason Ware. Using some of the reference shown directly from this site through the Mark Dickson Collection, and using some dramatic lighting from VooDooFX, with over 1500 hours spent building her…. Jason made his dream come true of this 3/4 studio scale scratch build of the most known science fiction vessel in science fiction history… the Enterprise 1701 Refit! This piece is so large that he was even able to place figures in the windows and on the hull! Every bit of lighting accounted for exactly like the original 8 foot filming model… this piece is second to none that I have seen...

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