I am honored today to be able to introduce a builder to this Gallery who has been inspirational to me in his talents, proving that dreams ARE achievable! Professional Photographer, and Model Master Jason Ware. Using some of the reference shown directly from this site through the Mark Dickson Collection, and using some dramatic lighting from VooDooFX, with over 1500 hours spent building her…. Jason made his dream come true of this 3/4 studio scale scratch build of the most known science fiction vessel in science fiction history… the Enterprise 1701 Refit! This piece is so large that he was even able to place figures in the windows and on the hull! Every bit of lighting accounted for exactly like the original 8 foot filming model… this piece is second to none that I have seen...
Read More- OUR Mission!
- A to M Directory
- #
- A
- Aaron Goldsmith
- Acadia Electronics
- ACME 360 Models
- ACME Archives Direct
- ACME Design – Clint Borucki
- ACREATION Models – Rob Holts
- Acryilcos Vallejo Paints
- Adam Gastelum
- Adam Makarenko – Making Exoplanets
- Adam Schneider
- Afinia
- AFV Club
- Airfix
- AJAModels – Adam K. Johnson
- Alain Rivard – PROP SHOP
- Alan Adorno
- Alan Anderson
- Alan Walker
- Albert Molinet
- Albert Siow
- Alberto Longo – ALB-LAB
- Alejandro Todisco
- Alex Yao
- Alex Alva
- Alexander Hausch
- Alexander Hutchings
- Alexander Kosyra
- Alexander Rivera
- Alfonso Falcon
- Alfred Wong
- Alfredo Bueno
- Aliens Collection – DROPSHIP CLUB
- Adam Beason
- All Scale Trek
- Alliance Models
- Altaya
- Alyssa Faden
- Amati
- Amazing Figure Modeler
- Amazing Plastic
- AMT/Ertl
- Amusing Hobby
- André Bustanoby
- Andreas Butzbach
- Andreas Rønning
- Andrew Bendel
- Andrew Campbell
- Andrew Connelly
- Andrew Creighton
- Andrew March
- Andrew Probert – Probert Designs
- Andy Harlow
- Andy Lee – LTI Records
- Angelo Berretta
- Angelo J. DiSalvo
- Anigrand
- Ankama
- Anovos
- Ansel Hsiao (Fractalsponge)
- Anthony Alvear
- Anthony L. Smith
- Anthony Santos
- Antonio Carrozzini
- Aoshima Diecast
- Aperture 360 – Marc King
- Apogee Productions, Inc.
- Archive-X
- Aridas Sofia
- Ariel Palacio
- Arizona Model Aircrafters / Digital Design LLC
- Art Asylum
- artesANAto – Ana Venceslau
- Arthur Hall
- Arthur Lane
- ARVEY Model Products
- ASIS Film Models
- Asuka Models – Formerly TASCA
- Atomic City Models – Scott Alexander
- Aurelien Le Maitre
- AZTEK DUMMY Productions – Lou Dalmaso
- B
- “Boomer” Willie Paul Jordan III
- B & T Studio Scale – Tony Hardy & Bill Early
- B.T.T.G. Model Kit Company – Mark Krabbenhoft
- Back Yard Productions U.K.
- Backlot Studio Models
- Bad Robot Productions
- Bad-AZZ Models
- BamBam Model Productions
- BanDai
- Banshee Productions
- Barrie Clucas
- Barry Jones
- Barry Maddin
- Barry Murray
- Barry Yoner
- Bart Larrow (ElBarto)
- Baseline Productions – Michael Moeller
- BattleGateGames
- Bellerophon Scale Modeling – Ed Bailey
- Ben Goetzky
- Ben Lim
- Ben Robinson
- Benjamin Arendt
- Benjamín Bruña
- Benjamin Carre
- Bernie Potrell
- Berton Pierce
- TYCHO Starship Yards – Bill Krause
- Bill Plewes
- Bill Weiger
- Billings Boats
- BioWare
- Black Sun Models
- Blake Hartman
- BLAP! Models
- BedLem Models
- Bigger Box Models
- BLAP! Models
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Bo Shen
- Bob Aucutt
- Bob Burns
- Bob Layzell
- Bob Lindenmayer
- Bob Olsen
- Bobby Ringuet
- Bobby Rogers
- BOEING / McDonnell-Douglas
- Borderline Reality
- Brad Dillon
- Brain Larsen
- Brandon MacDougall
- Brandon Mackay
- Brett Burke
- Brian Bruun Frandsen
- Brian Johnson
- Brian Wooldridge
- Brickstuff Lighting
- Bronco Models
- Bronson Canyon Creations – Tom Seiler
- Bruce Bertie
- Bryon Ray
- Bryson “Pete” Gerard
- Buc Wheat
- Buchanan Studio – Albert Buchanan
- Butch Smith
- By Your Command – Dale Long
- C
- C.A.S.M. – Central Arkansas Scale Modelers
- Cal Everett
- Caleb Dickison
- Carlos Levischi
- Carson Ward
- Cartamundi
- Catalyst Creations – George Waldron
- Century Castings – Alex Jackson
- César Villar Toro – ToroModel Studio
- CessnaDriver
- CGTrader
- Chad Crafts
- Charles Adams – Starship Builder
- Charles R. Anderson
- Charles King
- Charlie McGrady
- Catherine Bell
- Charlie Bailey
- Chris Arnold
- Chris Bibby
- Chris Borges-Silva
- Chris Casady
- Chris Corke
- Chris Dobinson
- Chris Ford – SciFord
- Chris G.
- Chris Kelley
- Chris Knox
- Chris Lai
- Chris Lee
- Chris Loveless
- Chris Mentch – “As I See It”
- Chris Morse
- Chris Osborne
- Chris Reiff
- Chris Rogerson
- Chris Ross
- Chris Trevas
- Chris Trice
- Chris Wooten
- ChrisSith21
- Christian Alzmann
- Christian Büttner
- Christian Söder
- Christian Velarde Salazar
- Christine Guinn
- Christopher Callaghan
- Christopher Hall
- Christopher Hart
- Christopher McBrian
- Christopher Olson – Models by Chris
- Christopher Tucker (Rhaven Blaack)
- CHRONICLE – Clay Brown
- Chuck Sides
- Cinesfx Fred
- CinWiz – Cinematic Wizards
- Clark Schaffer – Schaffer Studios
- Clayton Graham Holland
- Clayton Wagner
- Clear Horizon Miniatures
- Clear View Designs – Jim Roggero
- Clifton Simmons
- Coby Lorang
- CODE 3
- Colin Cantwell
- Colin Furze
- Collection Wars – Gabe Estrada & Michael Hawes
- Collen Young – CDY Starships
- Constantin Gillies
- Constructo
- Corey Sullivan
- Corinna Koitek
- Cory Harvey
- Cottage Industry Models
- Cozmic Scale Models
- CRAGGS Models – Paul Anthony Craggs
- Craig Sheeler – Star Trek Secret Voyage
- Creative Cast Parts
- Creative Dynamic LLC – Ken Alfter
- Creature Features
- Cross-Modelworx – Chad Cross
- Crows Nest Models – Drew Huffman
- Csaba Böjthe
- Cult TV Man
- Curtis Hughes
- Custom Replicas – Jim Key
- Cygnus Models – Daniel Lowe
- D
- D. Martin Myatt
- Dae Choi
- Daft Punk
- Dan Cooper
- Dan Curry
- Dan Grumeretz
- Dan Rodriguez
- DANAMAGIC – Dana Moss
- Daniel Bennett
- Daniel Broadway
- Daniel Comerci
- Daniel Gonzalez
- Daniel King
- Daniel Kochlowski
- Daniel Schaffer
- Daniele Cattarin
- Danny Scott Prejoles
- Daren Dochterman
- Dario Hector Gerlini
- Dave Lewis – Resin Illuminati Owner
- Dave Olszewski
- David Adami
- David Briefing
- David Creel
- David Duperron – LEGO MOCs Designer
- David Forier
- David Greaves
- David Jones Collection
- David Lamont
- David Lowe
- David Martis
- David Metlesits
- David Nelson
- David Reese
- David Romano
- David Shaw
- David Simonds
- David Spruil
- David Torode
- David West Reynolds
- David Wuethrich
- David Yeh
- Davide Testa
- DaVinci Productions
- DAX Studio Models – Daniel Acevedo
- Dayton Allen – SithFire30 Creations
- dbFX Workshop – Julien Dumont and Kennocha Baud
- DeAgostini – Model Space
- Dean Dymerski
- Dean Thomas
- DeBoer Hulls
- Derek Meddings
- Destiny Models – Brian Jones
- Deuces Wild Dev. Co – Deuce Savage
- Deviant Art
- Diamond Select
- Dieter Bihlmaier
- Dirk Karsten – DUBZ Custom Model Building & Else
- Dirk Pitt
- Disney
- Diznoid Toys – Rene Erazo
- Don Bergren
- Don Malpass Models
- Don’s Light & Magic
- Donald Gould
- DONSHOKO – Don Showalter
- DorobouHige
- Doug Drexler
- Doug Maio
- Douglas Craner
- Douglas E. Graves (deg3D)
- Douglas Shortes
- Doyusha
- Dragon Models
- Dreams Scale Model – Sergio Gutierrez
- Drew Sheppard
- DS Galaxy Models – Dale Shean
- dtssyst
- Duncan Scott
- E
- Eagle Editions
- Eaglemoss HERO Collector
- Earl Burress
- EasyWDW
- Echobase Models – Simon Graver
- Ed Francais
- Ed Miarecki Designs
- Ed Romo
- Ed Walton
- Edson Studio – Edson Waterman
- Eduardo Mendoza Lázaro
- eefx.com
- eFx Collectibles
- Eli Sasich
- Embedded Design Works, Inc. – Vincent D’Alessandro
- Emile Kuri
- Endor Express
- Entertainment Earth
- Eric CHOI Kwanwoo
- Eric Chu
- Eric Duchin
- Eric Eberle
- Eric Geusz (spacegooose)
- Eric Longstreet
- Eric N. Clark
- Erick Navas
- Eunsung Lee
- Evan Wharram
- Evans Model Lighting – Justin Evans
- Expanded Universe Models & Collectibles – Kostas Kosmidis
- F
- F.I. Ordway III
- F.Scott McKown
- Fabio
- Factory Entertainment
- FANTAMATION Studio – Jim Davidson
- Fantastic Modelers
- Fantastic Plastic
- Fast Forward Models – BP Taylor
- Federation Models
- Fernando Lopez
- FichtenFoo – Michael Fichtenmayer
- Film Miniatures – Daniel McMillan
- Fine Molds
- FineScale Modeler
- Finisher’s LTD – Nobu Kawaguchi
- Florian Eisenköck – Scale Modelling
- FM Model Company – Frank Cerney
- Foamtastic Creations and More – Jamie Young & Krista Young
- FONCO Creative Services – Fon Davis
- Forbidden Zone
- Formlabs
- Foundation Imaging
- Foxx Wolf
- Franck Mathieu
- François Fleury – Universal Modeler
- François Guibert
- Frank Blanton
- Fred Pollard
- Frederick Braun
- Frederick Ordway
- Friulmodel
- Fujimi
- Future Models
- FX Model Miniatures
- G
- G & T 3D Printing – George Waldron & Terry Meisle
- G-Factor Models – Ernie Gee
- G-System Shop
- G.S. Portraits – Garry Smith
- Gabe Koerner
- Gábor Takacs
- Galactic Resin Models – Raymond Perez
- Galoob
- Gambody
- Garret Parsons
- Garrett Wybrow
- Garry King
- Gary Cannavo
- Gary Hunley
- Gary Kerr
- Gary Stair
- Gary Wallace
- Gemini Model Build-Up Studios
- Gene Kozicki
- Geof (AKA Jeff) Lucier
- George Day
- George Hull
- George Lucas
- George Winder
- Gerald Voigt
- Gerard Follano
- Gerrit Braun
- Gerry Anderson
- Gerry Kissell
- Géza Sági
- Giuseppe Borzone
- Gizmotron
- Glen McIntosh
- Glencoe Models
- Glues Brothers – Sci-Fi & Fantasty Modeling
- Glyn McCutcheon
- Golden Armor – Cristofer Adrian
- GoldStar Plastic Mould & Molding Co., Ltd
- Gonçalo Inocentes
- Gordon Lee
- Gordon Tarpley
- GORT Models
- Gravity Colors
- Greenstrawberry – Lukas Zatopek
- Greg Boettcher
- Greg Dietrich
- Greg Jein
- Greg Larro Photography
- Greg Nicotero
- Gregg “Droid Boy” Nowling
- Grzegorz Kozłowski
- Guillermo D. Centeno
- Gulliver’s Scale Modeling Arts – William Gulliver
- Guy Cowen
- H
- Halcyon Models
- Hank Tintoni
- Hank William Rozema
- Haper Goff
- Harald Niedermeyer
- Harry G. Duksch
- Hasbro PULSE
- Hasbro Toys
- Hasegawa
- HDAmodelworx
- Hector N Gama – 3D Printing
- Hector Rosales
- HELIOS Models & Lighting – Daniel Beck
- Henrik Steve Myrdhén
- Hinson’s Custom Plaques
- Hite Studios – Jason Hite
- Hobby Boss
- HobbyLink Japan
- Hobbyworld
- Hollywood Collectibles Group (HGC)
- Hong Kong Models Co Ltd ( HK Models)
- Horizons
- HOSS Hobbies
- Hot Toys
- hotrodnz
- Howard “Howie” Day – Double Damage Games
- Howard Anderson Company
- Howling Wolf – Kip Hart
- Humbrol Paints
- Hunk of Junk Productions – Tony Lamb
- Hyperdyne Labs
- I
- i collector
- Ian Blaza – Spaceships of Science Fiction Magazine
- Ian Lawrence Scale Models
- Ian McQue
- ICONS Replicas
- Iggie Kane
- Igor Sedykh (Игорь Седых)
- Imai
- Imperial Replicas
- INCOM CORP – J. Vern Kessigner III
- Industrial Light & Magic
- Industrial Light & Modeling – Marvin Stiefelhagen
- Interstellar Modeler
- Ivar Kangur – Creative Dioramas
- Izan Ramos
- J
- J.A.W.S. Models – Jason Wright
- Jack Brunner, Jr.
- Jack Burgin
- Jack Polito
- Jackill
- Jackson Wai
- Jacob Cook
- Jaime Herriaz – TALON KARRDE
- James Cameron
- James Clyne
- James Gaunt
- James Medina Models – THE WAR ROOM
- James Roberts Jr.
- James Whitman
- James Wood
- Jan Rukr
- Japetus Productions – Mike Hanson
- Jared Bronson
- Jared Demes – Rebels at Cloud Nine
- Jared Wynn – WYNN VISCOM
- Jas Hodge
- Jason Hosler
- Jasmine Model
- Jason Eaton – Jason Eaton Studio – Mystery 10
- Jason Godsil
- Jason Kisvarday
- Jason Leggo
- Jason Ricketts
- Jason Skygunbro
- Jason Ware
- Jason’s Workbench – Jason Gares
- Jay Ballesteros
- Jay “Jerry” Barnes
- Jay Kushwara
- Jay Lux
- Jay Rich
- JAZZINC Dioramas – Joost Assink, Hans and Janneke
- JBOT – Jim Botaitis
- Jean-François Penichoux
- Jean-françois Pichette – The One Jeff
- Jean-Marc Deschamps – La Clinique du Professeur KELP
- Jeff Broz Kits
- Jeff Goldsack
- JP Modelworks – Jeff Pollizzotto
- Jeff Summers
- Jeff Willoughby
- Jeffery W. Wargo – SIRIUS Models
- Jeffery Wright – New Media Design
- Jeffrey Pedersen
- JERAC – Jarek Książczyk
- Jeremy Cook
- Jeremy Kennedy
- Jerome de Win
- Jerris Hof
- Jerry Gordon
- Jerry Hedgecock
- Jerry Stipp
- Jerry Terrell
- Jerry Testa
- Jerry Vasilatos
- Jerseyfest Model Kit & Statue Fair, LLC
- Jesse Meyers
- Jesus Marin Vadillo
- Jet Townsend
- Jim Bowers – CapedWonder.com
- Jim Chlubna
- Jim Creveling
- Jim Dow
- Jim G. Graham
- Jim Henson – The Jim Henson Company
- Jim Hobart – Macbeth Photo
- Jim Lewis – GunTruck Studios
- Jim Stolfa
- Joe Ceballos
- Joe Johnston
- Joe Maddalena
- Joe Thornton – “Uncle Joe”
- John Beaulieu
- John Cherevka
- John Dube
- John Eaves
- John Han
- John Howley
- John John Jesse
- John Long Props and Models
- John Orloff
- John R. Mullaney
- John Rhys-Davies
- John Rosengrant
- John Sabean
- John Schisler
- John Scott Lewinski
- John Simmons
- John Stuart – JAITEA Models
- John Toland
- Johnny Ya Ya
- Jon Billings
- Jon C. Rogers
- Jon Foster
- Jon Minard
- Jon Ross Art
- Jon Snyder
- Jon Schumann
- Jon Wilson
- Jonas Bachmann
- Jonpage Risque
- Jordu Schell
- Jose Maria Clavero Hidalgo
- Joseph J. Schultz (SchultzStudio)
- Joseph Laudati
- Joseph Melvin
- Josh Maruska
- Joshua J Slavitt
- Joslin-FX – Nathaniel De’Lineadeus
- JPG Productions
- JT Graphics – Jeffrey Waclawski
- Juan Carlos Acosta – JCAcosta Modelismo
- Jules Urbach
- Julian Maurice
- Julien Fleury – FlyViper – Photographer
- Julien Trezeux
- Joshua L. Weinstein
- K
- KAIYODO Models
- Kallamity Kits
- Kana
- Karl Southcott
- Karl Tate
- Kat Quinn
- Katsuya Nishizaka – 西坂 克也
- Keith Barron
- Keith Jodoin
- Keith Ransom
- Keith Sullivan
- Ken Hart
- Ken Skiffington
- Kenji Hayakawa
- Kenn Wingle
- Kenner Toys (Now Hasbro)
- Kenneth Gogan
- Kenny Alasandro
- Kerner Optical
- Kevin Stooksbury
- Kevin Vu
- Kier Darby
- Kimber Collins Modeling
- Kip Thorne
- Kirk Kirkland
- Kishimoto, Hiroshi – 岸本浩
- Klaus Heilemann
- Klaus Schäftner
- Knightwire
- KORBANTH Sabers-Costumes-Models-Props
- KORBEN FX – John Eblan
- Konami
- Kotobukiya
- KOSMOTRONIKS – Harry Arling
- Kow Yokoyama
- Kraig Councell
- Kris Kelvin
- Kropserkel
- Krzysztof Wilczyński Models & Dioramas
- Kuhn Global Incorporated – Kurt Kuhn
- Kyle Russell
- Kyosho
- Kyran Odore
- L
- Lancia Beta
- Lars Andersen
- Lars Kamrath
- Larson Designs / Lunar Models
- Laserfire Creations – Matt Davis
- Lasse Henning – The Model Shop
- Laurent Perini
- Lawrence J. Geer
- Lee Fitzsimmons
- Lee Ralph
- Lee Stringer
- LES & R2
- Light Year Models – Joe Diaz
- Lindberg
- Little Spaceship – Manuel Kern
- Liquitex – Henry Levison
- Lou Woolf
- Louis Carabott
- Louis Solis
- Luca Zampriolo
- Lucas Arts
- Lucasfilm Ltd
- Lucio Aloisi
- Luis Ariel Bernachea
- Lukas Kendall
- Luke McFarlane – Blade & Brush
- Luxciry Technology Company Limited
- LVM-Studios – Leon van Munster
- M
- M2 Designs – Jawon, Koo
- Mac Pakula
- Mache Models – Germàn Impache
- Mack Moraczewski
- Mad Man
- Maddie Chambers
- Madman Lighting
- Magicam
- Magician of Setogiwa
- Magna Mana Productions
- Malcolm Lu – GALEN82
- Mana Studios
- Mando Studio
- Manoj Mantri
- Marc Elkins
- Marc Sammut
- Marc Schubert
- Marce Terrones Gómez
- Marcel Leuthold
- Marcel Rulli
- Marco Groen
- Marcos Koutelas
- Marcus Deleo
- Marcus Grebe
- MarioMaker
- Mark Alvarado – Scale Model Works
- Mark Bradley
- Dr. Mark Burnette
- Mark Dickson
- Mark Farinas
- Mark Fellman
- Mark Fuhrmann
- Mark Graham
- Mark Haberer
- Mark Ingplan
- Mark McGilton
- Mark Mondragon
- Mark Rachel
- Mark Rademaker
- Mark Swilley
- Mark Tanner
- Mark Worley
- Marshall Custom Models – Jonathon Marshall
- Martin Balog
- Martin Bower
- Martin H.
- Martin Laing
- Martin Weber
- MaskDesign – Gary Chomiak
- Massassi Models
- Massimo Gandolfi
- Master Box
- Massimo Sora
- Master Replicas
- Masterpiece Models
- Matchbox
- Matchstick Models – Uwe Delling
- Matt Craig
- Matt Jefferies
- Matt Quiroz
- Matt V. Mrozek
- Matthew Murray
- Matthew O’Connor
- Matthieu Marmy
- Mattias Seger
- Maurício Campos
- MAXX Replicas
- McROBO Creations – Darrin McNiven
- Medicom
- Megumi Yoshida
- mephitsu.co.uk
- Michael Bilbrey
- Michael Blaisdell
- Michael Brandolino
- Michael Hoffman
- Michael Kearns
- Michael Kuehner
- Michael Middleton
- Michael Miles Artistry
- Michael Plante
- Michael Provenzano
- Michael Salerno
- Michael San Felice
- Michael Schaeffer
- Michael Struck
- Microscale
- Mid-Country Fabrication
- Midnight Models – Dean Eyre
- Midwest Products Company
- Miguel & Daniel
- Mike Andreadakis
- Mike Bednar
- Mike Garland
- Mike Greaney
- Mike Gruhala
- Mike Hallop
- Mike Hernandez
- Mike Makkreel
- Mike Maynard
- Mike McCain
- Mike Niejalke
- Mike Reader
- Mike Reis
- Mike Stewart
- Mike Wolf
- Millennia Models International (MMI)
- Miniart
- Miniatur Wunderland
- Miniature World of Happy Boy (Yunjae Go) – 해피보이의 미니어처 세상
- Minicraft Models
- Minifig
- MIRAKITS – Miguel Recover
- Mirko Martinovic
- Misa Nikolic
- Mission Models Premium Hobby Paints
- MOC Pages
- Model by Foca – Carlos Henrique Dos Santos
- Model Club Productions – Cadu Souza
- Model Forces
- Model Forces – Christian Fröhlich
- Model Miniatures – Stephen Howarth
- Model Railroad News
- ModelsByChris
- Model Ship Masters
- ModelerV Studios – Vince Pedulla
- Modeler’s Brand Hobby Supplies
- Modeller Magazine
- Models From Star Wars – Alex Hilpert
- Modular Models – John Zizolfo
- Moebius Models
- Mohammad F. Haque
- Moldy Productions – Johnny Sawyer
- MoMods Cases – Mohamed Metwally
- Monsters in Motion – Terry Fitton
- Moo Yong Jung
- Moonbase Models – Gil Brumana
- Morten Moeslund
- MOVIE KITS – Juan Manuel Pajuelo Gómez & David González Haya
- MSLZ22 Models – Mike Salzo
- Multi-Verse Models
- Museum of Science Fiction – Greg Viggiano
- MusicBoxes.IT – Goffredo Colombani
- #
- N to Z Directory
- N
- NBG Studios – Nils Bernerskog
- Neale “Vance” Davidson
- Nebrah
- Neiluj Studio – Julien Jousseaume
- Nektarios Arnaoutakis
- NemVia Productions – Mark Nehmzow
- Neo Grade
- New Deal Studios
- NEXUS Models – Rodolfo Martinez
- NICE-N Model Designs – Steve Neisen
- Nelson Hall
- Nicholas Coleman Art
- Nicholas Sagan – COSMOS Models
- Nick Harrison
- Nick Maude
- Nico Weigand
- Nigel D. Wood Ward
- Niko’s STAR WARS Scale Models – Nicolas Huguet
- Nilo Rodis-Jamero
- Nitto Models
- NK – Natter-Kit
- NMH Customs
- Northern Shipyards – Sean Corsini
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- NZ Pete
- O
- P
- PanaVise
- ParaGrafix – Paul Bodensiek
- Paramount Pictures
- Paresh Ladd – The Scale Workshop
- Pascal Van Der Sande
- Patrice Garcia
- Patrick Read Johnson
- Patrick Reilly
- Paul A Zimdars
- Patrick Wood
- Paul Dilts
- Paul Francis
- Paul Schach
- Paul Larcom
- Paul Lubliner
- Paul Mather
- Paul Nyul
- Paul Roberts
- Paul Steeves
- Paulo Gominho (Pj Pj)
- Pegasus Hobbies
- Peltz Productions
- Péter Bíró
- Peter Blight / Concept Design
- Peter Jackson
- Peter Lawrence
- Peter Noble
- petersteven
- Phil Broad
- Phil Curl
- Phil Lister
- Phil Tippett
- philigore
- Philip Cocking
- Philip Novak
- Phillip Church
- Pierre Drolet – Sci-Fi Museum
- Pierre Fortin
- Piers Bizony
- Pinewood Studios
- Pinkerton FX – John Pinkerton
- Pixar Animation Studios
- Pixeltec
- PJT Models – Paul Taylor
- Planet Models
- Polar Lights
- Polly Scale Paints
- Polygonix Scale Models – Nathan Myers
- Pop Mech Pro
- Popular Mechanics
- Posigrade Kits
- Precision Ice and Snow – Steve McCarron
- Preston Kabinoff
- PrismaColor
- ProBuilt SciFi – Peter Matthews
- Product Enterprise Ltd.
- Production Model Shop
- Profiles in History – Joe Maddalena
- Profyle Studios
- Prologic9
- Proteus
- Q
- R
- R. Fox Electronics
- R.L. Bleecker
- Rafael Dominguez Estrada
- Rainbow Egg
- Rainer Löffler – Fantasy Figure
- Rainer Trunk
- Ralph Maximilian
- Ralph McQuarrie
- Randy Cooper Models
- Ranier Michalek
- RatDaddyStudio’s – Tim Nolan
- Raul Manforu
- Ravenstar Studio
- Ray Harryhausen
- Ray Lawson II
- Ray Vaughn
- RC SciFi – David Rutherford
- ReAnimation Toys – Steven Talbert
- Rebellion Creations – Orne Montgomery
- RebelScum.com
- RED Empire Models – Nikolay Tereshkin
- Red Moon – 레드 문
- Reedees Miniatures
- Regal Robot
- Reliant Replicas
- Renegade Replicas – Robin Moore
- Replicas Unlimited
- Resin Addict – Zac Soden
- Resinator Lab – Rolando Gutierrez
- ResinBabes Models & Sculpt – Gregory Watters
- Retro Plastic – Dean Johnson
- Revell/Monogram
- Reviseco
- Richard Ashton – Its An Ashton
- Rich Campbell
- Rich Suchy
- Richard C. Datin Jr.
- Richard Edlund
- Richard Lamer
- Richard Lindstrom
- Richard Long
- Richard Sung Collection
- Rick Cantu
- Rick Horack
- Rick Idak
- Rick Ingalsbe
- Rick Sternbach
- Rick Teskey
- Rick Volk
- Ridley Scott
- River Bottom Studio – Jessica Barnd
- Rob (Pharchivist)
- Rob McFarlane Creative
- Rob Minnes
- ROBACK MODELS – Rodrigo Barraza
- Red Dwarf Selections
- RIDER’s Composite Artworks
- Robbie Powell
- Robert Burns Kits
- Robert Cowley
- Robert Fish
- Robert Gajic
- Robert James Models
- Robert Petersen
- Robert T. Cass
- Robert Thompson
- Robert Wagner
- Robert Waltman III
- Robert Watson – Composite Artworks
- Roberto Aguilera
- Roberto Baldassari
- Roberto Campos
- Robin Clifford
- Robin Phillips
- Robot Sapiens – Jihwan Kim ( 김지환 )
- Rod Lowe
- Roddenberry.com
- Rodolfo Magnus
- Rogers Rocketships – Jon C. Rogers
- Rogue Studio Productions – Lee Malone
- Roman Guettiers
- Ron Cobb
- Ron Fulce
- RPS Custom Models – Ronald Seipel
- Ron Headley
- Rossi Replicas – Rob Rossi
- Round 2 Models
- RS Prop Masters
- Russ Simpson
- Rust II Rust – Marko Osterholz
- Ryan C.
- Ryan Church
- Ryan Coombes
- Ryan Dening
- Ryan Keeton
- S
- Saltire Technologies
- Sainton Design – Nick Sainton-Clark
- Sander van der Velden
- Sandy “Rocko” Rivera
- Santo Ilardi
- Sarah Scott
- SC Models – Steve Causey
- Scale Solutions
- Scale Specialties – Dave Schwirian
- Schubert Nanjin Tam
- Schultz Studio – Joseph Schultz II
- Schurbet Namjin Tam
- Sci-Fi Air Museum – Bill George
- Sci-Fi Custom Models – Brain Stover
- Sci-High Models – Alex Dumas
- SciFi Studio Scale Modellers
- SciFiantasy – Kenny Conklin
- SciFiModels – Nico Möbius
- Scott Boon
- Scott E. Clarke
- Scott Girvan
- Scott Graham
- Scott Lintern
- Scott Lowther
- Scott Peery
- Scott Roberson
- Scott Schneider
- Scott Withers
- SD Studios – Stephen Dymszo
- Sean Brannin
- Sean Cooke
- Sean Greenplate
- Sean Hayes
- Sean Lam
- Sean Ravencraft
- Sebastian Birk
- Sergio Gutierrez
- Seth McFarlane
- Severn View Hobbies Ltd
- Shane Foulkes
- Shane Ware
- Shigeki “Jpress” Kano
- Shinji Kimura
- Shon Holyfield
- Shusei Nagaoka Design
- Sideshow Collectibles
- SiFi Rare Replicas – Danny Lancelot
- Silas Puls & Lea Puls
- Simlstar Graphics – John Rigoni (Capt. John Rigo)
- Simon Atkinson Creative Arts
- Simon Davantes
- Simon Jessel
- Simon Rush
- Simone Busch
- Skidmarks Diecast Collectibles – Fred Doerner
- Skip Harris
- SkunkWurkzModels
- Skybow
- Skyrocket Media – John Domrzalski
- SLY FY Kits & Dioramas – Arnaud SELESNEFF “DJSLY”
- Small Art Works – E. James Small
- Smallville Space – Charles Jackson
- Silas Puls
- Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum
- SMT – Scale Model Technologies – Colin Omilusik
- SolarWind
- South American Models
- Space Modelers – Thierry & Cécile Lhuissier
- Space.com
- Spacecraft Creation Models – Steve Carricato
- Special Hobby
- Spencer Perdriau
- Spockboy – Paul
- Square Models – Sean Sides
- SRS Prototyping – Scott Spicer
- Stacy Lawson
- StannArts – David Stann
- Staples and Vine Ltd.
- Star Destroyer Project – Lee “Furry” Justin
- Star.Killer77 – Michael Hawes
- Star Trek Continues
- Star Trek Online – ArtWorks
- Star Wars Launch Bay
- Star Wars Modélisme Fanatique Belgique – Fabrice Maggio
- Starburst Models – Gary Salerno
- Starcraft Models – Dennis St. Pierre
- Starfleet Model Academy – Wally Pasternak
- Starfleet Models
- Starfleet Yokosuka Shipyards
- Starling Technologies – Stanley Koziol
- Starship Modeler – John Lester
- Starship Models – Tom Stemmler/León Consilio
- Stash of Sprues – Kevin Hoppert
- Steel City Con
- Stefan Böttcher
- Stefan Hacker
- Dr. Stefan Piasecki, Professor
- Steff De Vos
- Stephan Martiniere
- Stephan Schumann
- Stephen Hoyle
- Stephen John Hamedl
- Stephen Kundrat
- Stephen Loftus
- Steve Blanes
- Steve Broderick
- Steve Dreyer
- Steve Eggers
- Steve Fried
- Steve Gawley
- Steve Jurgens
- Steve Martin
- Steve Neill
- Steve Platt
- Steve Wang – Creature Creator
- Steve’s Model Loft – Steve Smith
- Steven G. Johnson – Major, FA, US Army (ret)
- Steven T. Meer – SMEERWORLD
- Strato Art – Dale Jackson
- Stuart Godwin
- Stuart Jones
- Stuart Little
- Stuart Williamson
- Studio 2
- Studio 2 Models – Mamas Pitsillis
- Studio Modeler
- Studio Ren – Tetsuro Kato
- Studio Starforge – Petar Belic
- Studio Teto – Takasaki & SHIBA
- SW Revisited
- Sylvain Beignet
- Søren M Madsen
- T
- Takom Models
- Tamiya
- tan.j
- TECHNOMANIA Models – Marco Scheloske
- Tango Papa Decals – Tom Prestia
- Teejay Lasher
- TenaControls LLC – Raplh Tenaglia
- Terry Bradley
- Terry Cour II
- Terry Hyde
- TESTED – Adam Savage & Jamie Hyneman
- Terry Munro
- Testors
- Testors Model Masters
- The Breakers Yard – Nigel Rostance
- The Cylon Builders Club
- The Delta Quadrant – Erik Lakie
- The Dropship Club
- The Kit Factory – Simon Mercs
- The New Empire – Fabio Delfino
- The Mattes and Miniatures Studio – Leigh Took
- THE PRIME ALTERNATIVE – Ricky Wallace and Rick Carthew
- The Replica Forge – Don Semora
- The Scale Shipyard
- The Third Models – Mark Myers
- The ToyArk
- The Wrap
- Third Fate Creations – Steve Hughes
- Thomas Fan
- Thomas Haas
- Thomas Johnson
- Thomas Militello
- Thomas Sassar
- Thomas Weber
- Tiger Direct
- Tim Blanchard – NakedBrain Sci-Fi Models
- Tim Burton
- Tim Ketzer
- TIMEPSYCLE – Steve Kearslake
- TimeSlip Creations – George Takacs
- TITAN – Models and Memorabilia
- Titan Find
- Tobias Richter – The Light Works
- Tobias Rubom
- Todd M. Stuart
- Tom Brierton
- Todd Morton
- Tom DeSanto
- Tom Griep
- Tom Grossman
- Tom McDowell
- Tom Strong
- Tony Bryson
- Tony Cardona
- Tony Celliers – Dynamic Digital Creations
- Tony Hardy
- Toy Biz
- Tracy L Haynes
- Tracy Mann
- Tray Chester
- Trekmannscott
- Trendmaster
- Trevor Alderson
- Trumpeter
- Truro Model Club
- TS Hobbies – Tim Sloan
- Tom Piedmont
- U
- V
- W
- Walt Disney Studios
- WARP Models
- Warren Fu
- Wade Williams Productions
- Warren Zoell
- Wasili Angelopoulos
- Wasteland
- Wayne Hough
- Wayne Jones
- Wayne Middleton
- Wayne Minney
- Weili Pan
- Werner Leiss
- Werner Vandenbergh – Skunkdesigns
- Wesley Prewer
- White Dragon Miniatures
- White Room Artifacts, LLC
- Wiktor Wilczyński
- Wild House Models – Neil Wooding
- William Creber
- William Evans
- William Gardoski
- William Goldman
- William Hedges – Cosmic Films Studio
- William Henderson
- William Mellor
- William Pace
- Williams Brothers
- Wired.com
- Wolfgang Hörz – HWH Beschriftungen
- Wolfs Workshop – Richard Woods & Michelle Hall
- Wonder World
- Woodland Scenics
- Working Props, Inc. – Tom Paris (Perys)
- Woodlawn
- World in Scale – Michael Franz
- World of Tanks
- WorthPoint
- X
- Y
- Z
- N
- Genre
- “13” Selections
- 300 Selections
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