Stealth tagged posts

1:20 Stealth Viper Blackbird “Laura” by Kostas Kosmidis

Artist Kostas Kosmidis is back with this fantastic build of the Howling Wolf kit of the Stealth Viper from Battlestar Galactica… “Laura”. This build is ‘super’ clean.. as it should be. The details are all new and crisp. The cockpit interior is beautiful as is the deck plating it sits upon… which looks worn as it should. Another great build by artists Kostas Kosmidis!

To contact professional artist Kostas Kosmidis direct, please click HERE.









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KIT ALERT! 1:72 STEALTH EDI-UCAV from Fantastic Plastic

Kit Alert
EDI-UCAV from “Stealth”
Producer: Fantastic Plastic Models
Scale: 1:72
Material: Resin
Number of Pieces: 24
Price: $98
Shipping: $6.50 USA | $12 International (Approx)
Available: NOW
Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Money Order
PayPal Address:

The EDI (Extreme Deep Invader) UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) was developed as an adjunct to the FA-37 Talon program. A “next generation” combat aircraft, it has an artificial intelligence system that allows it to operate without a human controller. So advanced are its sensors that it can identify a human target by fingerprints, voice print or facial recognition.

The EDI has V/STOL capabilities, which makes it perfect for carrier operations...

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