Star Trek IV tagged posts

HMS Bounty – Composite Art by Kurt Kuhn (Kuhn Global)

After viewing Richard Long’s build photos of the HMS Bounty BOP for Karl Southcott, I simply had to take it into the scene itself. My apologies to Trek Fans as I know that when the Bird of Prey landed on Vulcan at the end of Star Trek 3 – The Search for Spock, it did not yet have the HMS Bounty painted on it’s side to view. Never the less… this is the scene I had in my mind. I hope you enjoy it.

To view the actual finished build by Richard Long, please click HERE!

To view this piece in it’s original HIGH DEFINITION size, please click directly on it.


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Star Trek IV HMS BOUNTY BOP By Richard Long for the Karl Southcott Collection

This is one of my favorite wing positions for the Klingon Bird of Prey! When we first saw the wings move up in the landing position  at the end of Star Trek 3, I haven’t been able to get the look out of my head! And so it is the same for Collector Karl Southcott with his commission of the Star Trek IV HMS Bounty masterfully built by industry artist Richard Long! This piece is beautiful from its’ fantastic paint job down to the base with the lighting facing upward toward the landed Bird of Prey. It very much has the look of the studio model shown on Vulcan! BEAUTIFUL job by Richard Long! Karl has another winning piece in his collection!

To visit Richard Long’s site, and to contact him direct, please click on his banner below…










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