slave one tagged posts

1:72 Slave One by Kishimoto, Hiroshi of the Japan Star Wars Modeling Alliance

Let me begin this showing by stating how pleased, and relieved I am to hear of artist Kishimoto’s, and his  families safe rescue from their area of Japan that had been decimated by the Tsunami. We are with you Kishimoto-san! And we stand behind you, and the Japanese people to re-build your great nation!

Though the chaos and destruction his country and countrymen have faced, this great artist still manages to send photos of an amazing build. This piece was shown at the Star Wars Celebration V last summer. It is every bit as magnificent as it looks! Outstanding work from artist Kishimoto of the Japan Star Wars Modeling Alliance!

To contact artist Hiroshi Kishimoto direct, please click HERE.

To visit his site, please click the banner link below…












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1:72 ESB Slave One by Mattias Seger

I have seen many, many recreations of the Slave One from Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back, and this latest is one of the best of those I have seen. Master Modeler Mattias Seger very nearly captured the studio model mark for mark on the fantastic kit from Fine Molds. View the Studio Model HERE to compare! His weather and color tones are most effective as looking like that formerly stated filming model… especially under the lighting conditions he photographed it under. Spot on… and beautiful!

To contact Mattias Seger direct, please click HERE!

To visit his site (Nazguls Modelshop), please click on the banner link below…











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1:72 Slave One by Garrett Wybrow

Once again I have the pleasure of introducing a great new talent to this Gallery… master artist Garret Wybrow. This first piece of Mr. Wybrow’s is absolutely stunning, and I am told, the first time he has actually used an airbrush! I find that he did incredible work as this is one of the best Slave One paint jobs I have seen! Not only does this artist do models, but helmets as well. And from what I have seen, he just may be painting some helmets and armor for the collection soon enough! A beautiful first piece from master artist Garret Wybrow. We look forward to showing many more of his works in the near future!

To contact Garret Wybrow, please click HERE.


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